He graduated as an epidemiologist from the Harvard School of public health, then medical school at Yale. 莫斯塔沙瑞从哈佛大学公共卫生学院(HarvardSchoolofPublicHealth)流行病学专业毕业,后来又进入耶鲁大学(Yale)医学院深造。
The leader of the other study was Madhukar pai, an epidemiologist at McGill University in montreal, canada. 另一份研究的领导者是(madhukarpai),来自加拿大,蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学的流行病学者。
Dr Watson is a medical epidemiologist with the Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies Program at the World Health Organization in Geneva. Watson博士是日内瓦世界卫生组织“人道主义救援行动”疾病控制项目的流行病学专家。
It seems there might a threshold, so it is not so bad if you work another hour or so more than usual, said Dr Marianna Virtanen, an epidemiologist at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and University College London. 两者之间应该有个临界值,所以比平时多工作一、两个小时也没什么影响。职业健康研究所和英国伦敦大学学院的流行病学家玛丽安娜维尔塔宁这样说道。
It is interesting to look at microbial flora, says Lynne McFarland, an epidemiologist at the Puget Sound Veterans Administration Medical Center, who was not affiliated with the study. But I would not run out and eat a lot of yogurt because of this. 没有参与本研究的皮热老兵健康管理医疗中心的流行病学家林恩.马克弗兰说:观察微生物菌从是很有意思的,那我也不能因此跑出去吃一大堆酸乳酪啊!
When the British epidemiologist Richard Doll first began to suspect the link in the late 1940s, his analysis was based on a mere correlation. 20世纪40年代末,英国流行病学家理查德•多尔(RichardDoll)最早开始怀疑二者之间的联系。
Then in1996, the new highway joined Borb ó n to much of coastal Ecuador, says study co-author Joseph Eisenberg, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 研究论文的作者之一、密歇根大学安娜堡分校的流行病专家约瑟夫·艾森伯格说:后来于1996年,一条新公路将波旁跟厄瓜多尔的多数海滨地区连接起来。
Commenting on the2 important findings, Ahmedin Jemal, PhD, an epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society, who has studied in this area, told Medscape these results make sense. 美国癌症学会流行病学家AhmedinJemal博士是该领域的研究者,他在评论这两项研究的重要发现时告诉Medscape网记者,他们报道的研究结果是合理的。
He's now a medical epidemiologist with CDC. 他现在是疾病控制中心的一名流行病学专家。
In addition, an epidemiologist and three data managers from the WHO Inter-country Support Team in Harare are assisting the WHO Country Office in data monitoring, analysis and mapping. 此外,在哈拉雷的世卫组织国家间支持小组的一位流行病学家和3名数据管理员正在协助世卫组织国家办事处进行数据监测、分析和制图。
The WHO team includes an epidemiologist, laboratory specialists and a pharmacologist/ toxicologist who are providing technical support to the national intersectoral committee created for this purpose. 世卫组织工作组包括一名流行病学家、数名实验室专家以及一名药理学家/毒理学家,他们将向为此设立的国家部门间委员会提供技术支持。
"The simple truth is: one size does not fit all," says Salim Abdool Karim, epidemiologist at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa and a leader of the successful microbicide trial. “简单的事实是:一种尺寸并不能适合所有人,”南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔大学的流行病学家、这种成功的杀微生物剂试验的负责人SalimAbdoolKarim说。
UNICEF is providing technical expertise and material in the area of water and sanitation; WHO has deployed an epidemiologist. 联合国儿童基金会正在水和环境卫生领域提供技术指导和用品,世卫组织正派遣一名流行病学家。
WHO has reinforced its presence in the country with the deployment of a senior epidemiologist, a logistician and a security office. 世卫组织加强了在该国的力量,紧急部署了一名资深流行病学家、一名后勤专家和一个安全办公室。
With the European Community Humanitarian Office ( ECHO) support, the WHO Regional Office for Africa will be sending a team composed of an epidemiologist, entomologist and virologist. 在欧洲共同体人道主义办事处支持下,世卫组织非洲区域办事处将派遣一个由一名流行病学家、昆虫学家和病毒学家组成的小组。
"This is going to be al landmark study," said Harold Kohl, an epidemiologist who helped perform some of the best-known studies demonstrating the benefits of exercise. 曾就锻炼的益处作过一些重要研究的流行病学家哈罗德-科尔说:这是一项划时代的研究。
Epidemiologist Tim Brown of the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, who has worked closely with UNAIDS to develop these estimates, also stands behind the earlier figures. 夏威夷东西部中心的流行病学家TimBrown,曾亲自参与UNAIDS调查工作,也表示支持早期的数据。
A leading epidemiologist has called on the WHO to clarify its definition of an influenza pandemic& otherwise too many flu viruses could qualify as pandemic strains, causing undue alarm. 一位著名的流行病学家呼吁世界卫生组织澄清它关于流感大流行的定义&否则太多的流感病毒都可以有资格成为大流行毒株,这导致了不适当的警报。
Such widespread studies are a major undertaking in rural settings like these, says Randall Singer, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. 明尼苏达大学双城分校的流行病学家兰德尔·辛格说,如此大范围的研究在这样的农村环境中是一项主要任务。
"While we believe we are seeing a downward curve in the number of people who have become ill, we still have many challenges with some patients who remain hospitalized," said State Epidemiologist Dr. 虽然我们认为我们正看到患病人数的曲线有下降趋势,但是,那些仍住在医院的病人对我们而言是一个挑战。
Furthermore, an epidemiologist, a public health specialist and a water and sanitation engineer have been dispatched to support control activities in the field. 此外,已派遣一名流行病学家、一名公共卫生专家以及一名水和卫生工程师以支持现场的控制活动。
Treatments may be also premature, says Richard Levine, an epidemiologist and pre-eclampsia expert at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Maryland. 治疗也可能为时过早,马里兰州贝塞斯达国家儿童与人类发展研究院的流行病学家与先兆子痫专家里查德·利文说。
CDC WONDER-general purpose warehouse of public health data sets for the epidemiologist. 为流行病学家提供的大众健康数据库。
This paper described the outcome of construction research for instant response to the public health crisis, including active surveillance, administration of qualified epidemiologist, medical supplies repertory as well as crisis management mechanism. 介绍了突发公共卫生事件应急反应系统建设研究中初步结果,包括突发事件主动监测、医疗物质储备、流行病学专家以及应急管理机制等。