This spacious hall, illuminated by a single lamp, was the old hall of the episcopal palace, and served as the large hall of the palace of justice. 在这间广阔的厅堂里,只点着一盏灯,这厅,从前是主教院的外客厅,现在作为法庭的前厅。
The episcopal palace of D& adjoins the hospital. 迪涅的主教院是和医院毗连的。
Mademoiselle Baptistine has so often narrated what passed at the episcopal residence that evening, that there are many people now living who still recall the most minute details. 巴狄斯丁姑娘曾把当天晚上发生在主教院里的那些事对人传述过无数次,以致几个现在还活着的人都还记得极其详尽。
The Washington National Cathedral is one of the largest and most famous religious centers in the United States. It belongs to the Episcopal Church. 华盛顿国家大教堂是美国规模最大、最负盛名的宗教中心之一,隶属主教派教会。
The official name of this Episcopal Church is the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. 这座教堂的正式名称是圣彼得与圣保罗教堂。
The wedding will be at the Episcopal Church. 婚礼仪式将在圣公会教堂举行的。
Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 非洲美以美会女传教士协会
John's Episcopal Church and holding a moment of silence on the South Lawn of the White House. John's主教会堂的纪念仪式后来到白宫的南边草坪为死难者做短暂默哀。
The Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy. 立基于罗马教廷,罗马教皇和大主教主持的基督教。
( US Episcopal Church) a clergyman in charge of a chapel. (美国国教)管理一个小礼拜堂的牧师。
Episcopal Church: The church in the United States that is in communion with the see of Canterbury. 美国新教圣公会:与坎特伯雷教廷往来的美国教会。
Aleck, in her dream life, went over to the Episcopal camp, on account of its large official titles; send a person for the doctor 艾莱柯在她的虚幻生活中,先是信主教派,因为这个教派的头面人物都有来头;派[叫]人去请医生
Communion some people call it just the Communion, and if you& some churches, especially Episcopal churches, Eucharist will call it the Eucharist. 有些人就叫,有些教堂,尤其是圣公会教堂,就叫。
In the Protestant Episcopal church: a Committee elected by the congregation to work with the churchwardens in managing the temporal affairs of the church. 在圣公会;由圣会选出的和教会委员共同管理教会的世俗事务的委员会。
A member of the Episcopal church. 英国主教教会的成员。
He pulls out the British protestant episcopal church from the bag the prayer with the meter article tract, manages the funeral week. 他自己从袋中掏出英国圣公会的祷告和仪文小册,主持丧事礼拜。
Association of member Episcopal Conferences in eastern africa; 东非主教派成员会议协会;
Built back before the civil war, Grace Episcopal Church is a stone and stucco structure out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forest and fields. 格雷斯国教教堂是在南北战争之前建造的,位于一个远离人烟的地方,是岩石和灰泥结构,教堂的周围环绕着森林和农田。
He is a devout disciple of the Episcopal Church. 他是英国圣公会的一名虔诚的信徒。
An officer in the Episcopal church who helps a parish priest with secular matters. 英国国教教堂中长期帮助牧师处理事务的教员。
Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry. 他已经有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身边散落着从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的空罐头盒和汤。
On his arrival, M.Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general. 米里哀先生到任以后,人们就照将主教列在仅次于元帅地位的律令所规定的仪节,把他安置在主教院里。
And CY Cummings has even turned high Episcopal for her. 为了她,赛卡明斯还讲了圣公会。
A new leader begins a nine-year term this November as presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church. 一位英国国教的大主教,刚刚开始了他长达9年的任期。
The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church of Scotland. 苏格兰英国国教教会中主持会议的主教。
She is active in her church, serving as a Vestry member and vice-chair for Grace Episcopal Church. 她积极参与她的教会,担任教区委员会委员与格雷斯美国新教圣公会副主席。
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church founder of Methodism ( 1703-1791). 非洲人美以美锡安会(1703-1791)美以美教派教会的创建者。
During the Civil War, Grace Episcopal, since it stood ( at the time) on a major thoroughfare, was used as a military hospital and surgical area. 南北战争时,格雷斯国教教堂因为地处主要交通要道,所以被用作战时医院和手术区。
Being the first missionary hospital established by the America Methodist Episcopal Church in China, the Soochow Hospital exerted active promotion on the introduction of western medicine into Suzhou. 苏州博习医院系美国基督教监理公会在中国设立的第一所教会医院,该院对近代苏州西医的传入起到了积极的促进作用。
The Catholicism episcopal mansion is a protective building that have been used for more than 80 years. 天主教主教府已经使用80余年,为保护性建筑。