After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall. 写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。
In the first respect, the use of epistolary narrative strategy itself has distinctive features. 一方面,沃克对书信体叙事策略的运用本身具有鲜明的特征;
The author wrote Purple in narrative tactics of modernism, that is, self-narrative epistolary manner in feminine language. 书信体叙事策略在《紫色》中的另一重要意义在于它与内容、主题的完美结合。
The Epistolary Novel The New Heloise, one of Rousseaus most famous literary works, has far-reaching implications in the history of literature. 书信体小说《新爱洛伊丝》作为卢梭的代表作之一,在文学史上有着深远的影响。
Celie's growth can also be shown from the epistolary form. 西丽的成长过程也在她写信过程中得到了充分的表现。
Epistolary narrative strategy is a major and also the most important narrative technique in The Color Purple. 书信体叙事策略是《紫色》里最重要的叙事技巧。
Alice Walker published the novel Color Purple in the epistolary style in1982, in which she expresses her strong idea of female's seeking for their independence and liberty. 沃克1982年发表的书信体小说《紫颜色》明确地表达了妇女寻求解放的思想。
Above all, you must have guarantor, this guarantor must be Japanese book, have fixed job, of fixed income, have particular concern with you, and you can produce the proof of the relation, for instance epistolary contact, close according to etc. 首先,你得有保证人,这个保证人必须是日本籍的,有固定工作,固定收入的,跟你有一定关系,并且你能够出示关系的证实,比如书信来往,合照等。
It takes courage to adapt an epistolary novel for the screen, particularly one as psychologically complex as this one. 将一部书信体小说搬上银幕需要很大的勇气,尤其当涉及复杂的心理学,例如本片。
Chapter One explores the epistolary style and the characterization of a group of black women to analyze female consciousness, so as to discuss womanism in The Color Purple. 第一章,通过书信体裁和黑人妇女形象表现出的妇女意识分析《紫颜色》中的妇女主义。
The present paper is a comparative study of the journal form and epistolary form in Saul Bellow's two novels, Dangling Man and Herzog. 本文对索尔·贝娄的两部小说《晃来晃去的人》和《赫索格》的写作题材:日记题材和书信题材,进行了比较研究。
Han dynasty was an important period that the ancient epistolary prose began to mature. 汉代是古代书信体散文走向成熟的重要阶段。
In Western literature history, epistolary novel has three hundred years history from appearance to development. 在西方文学史上,书信体小说从产生到发展,已经有三百多年的历史。
Among the many types of prose, the epistolary prose is the one that can best reflect an author's true feelings. 书信体散文是诸多散文文体中,最能反映作者心声的一种。
The present article examines the views on fictional narrative by several important novelists and presents a survey of the narrative theory in this period, covering epistolary and first-person narrative, third-person omniscient narrative, and the novelists 'special interests. 本文探讨了几位重要小说家有关小说叙事的观点,从书信体与第一人称叙述、第三人称全知叙述的发展、小说家的关注重心等几个方面对这一时期的小说叙事理论进行梳理评述。
By these authors 'efforts, epistolary novels were pushed to the peak. 在这些作家的努力下,书信体小说被推向了高峰。
This thesis, in view of narrative structures, compares and contrasts the epistolary novel and the first-person non-epistolary novel. 本文旨在从叙事学的角度对书信体小说与非书信体小说中的第一人称叙事进行比较与对照,以达到对这两种叙事形式在叙事结构上的深入认识。本文分三章。
Epistolary literal theory is an important form of literal theories in the history of literary criticism in China. 书信体文论是中国文学批评史上一种重要的文论形式。
With idiolects, this epistolary novel mainly written in colloquial Black English creates a vivid image of the black women who have been silenced under the double oppression by the whites and the black men. 这部主要以口语化的黑人英语写就的小说充满了个人语言变体,并以此生动地塑造了默默忍受着白人和黑人男人双重压迫的典型的黑人妇女形象。
And the application of epistolary in the novel is to emphasize the power of her voice. 小说中的书信体叙述技巧的使用进一步强化了声音的力量。
The novel is an epistolary novel and it consists of 90 letters. 小说是以书信体风格撰写,全篇由90封书信组成。
In Meridian, she adopts the nonlinear narrative successfully. In The Color Purple, she employs the structure of the epistolary novel to construct a kind of feminist narrative. 在《梅里迪安》中,她成功地采用了非线性的叙事方式;在《紫色》中,她采用了书信体的形式,构建出了一种个人声音的女性叙事模式。
Criticism Style of Shen preface and postscript body, the paper body, epistolary and literary essays body biography five kinds of stylistic. 沈从文文学批评文体主要有序跋体、论文体、书信体、文艺随笔体、传记体等五种文体。
Austen use her own superb artistic talent to carry out the innovation of epistolary style, and successfully make letter glow with new life and luster in her novels. 奥斯丁运用自己高超的艺术天赋,对书信体进行创新,取得新的成功,使书信在她的笔下焕发了新的生命和光彩。
Her dig out the epistolary unique artistic charm, and creatively combine epistolary narrative and third-person narrative together which provides new methods and perspectives for the creation of her novels. 她挖掘出书信体的独特艺术魅力,创造性地将书信体叙事与第三人称叙事融合在一起,为她小说的创作提供了新的方法与视角。
In this article, it still state the contemplation about the existence of the epistolary novels by the narrative aesthetics effects of this kind of novels text in order to have cognizance of its literature characteristics. 本文还试图通过对书信体小说文本自身的叙事美学效果,来观照它曾经的存在,以便对其文学特点有所认知。
Than the transmission metaphor, epistolary interest in using artistic techniques such as scenario the use of blending, but also greatly enriched the Conversation Poems form of artistic expression. 比兴手法的传承、书信体的运用以及情景交融等艺术手法的使用,更是极大地丰富了赠答诗的艺术表现形式。
The third section is about the narrative form, that is, the combination of epistolary form and diaries. 第三节分析《长腿叔叔》的叙事形式,即采用书信体和日记体结合的方式,完全契合了女性作家细腻敏感、私语化的交流方式。