During the last outbreak of fish disease in2007, which turned out to be epizootic ulcerative syndrome, a seasonal disease caused by a fungal infection, the laboratory also sent samples to Thailand. 在2007年的上次鱼病暴发期间,该实验室也把样本送到了泰国(结果发现是体外寄生溃疡综合征,这是一种由真菌感染引起的季节性疾病)。
This paper is a report on both the pathogenic bacteria isolation and an artificial infection test of the epizootic black gill and brown spot of shell disease syndrome. 本文是对中国对虾黑鳃、褐斑综合症进行病原菌分离和人工感染试验的报告。
March hemoglobinuria epizootic hemorrhagic disease 行军性血红蛋白尿症家畜流行生出血性病
In the epizootic regions, all animal products ( blood, meat and milk) should be thoroughly cooked before eating. 在动物疫病流行地区,所有动物产品(血、肉和奶)都应完全煮熟后再食用。
Animal immunization must be implemented prior to an outbreak if an epizootic is to be prevented. 要防止发生家畜流行病,必须在暴发之前进行动物免疫。
Analysis of one Predator-Prey Model with Epidemic in the Predator epizootic hemorrhagic disease 一个捕食者具有传染病的生态&流行病模型的分析家畜流行生出血性病
Active long-term surveillance of zoonotic foci and rapid response to reduce exposure during epizootic outbreaks have been successful in reducing human plague. 对动物源性疾病疫源地的积极长期监测和快速应对以便在兽疫流行暴发期间减少接触已在减少人类鼠疫方面取得成功。
A domestic animal produced by crossbreeding one of purebred stock with one of ordinary stock. epizootic hemorrhagic disease 改良品种一种家畜,由一个纯种家畜和一个普通家畜杂交得到家畜流行生出血性病
Preparation and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus 鹿流行性出血病病毒单克隆抗体的制备与鉴定
Acute transformation of chronic myelocytic leukemia epizootic hemorrhagic disease 慢性粒细胞白血病急变家畜流行生出血性病
B.The worldwide epizootic will not decrease immediately. 这个世界范围的家畜流行病不会很快减少。
Objective To sum up forty years 'epidemic survey of plague epizootic in this area. 目的总结40年张掖地区动物鼠疫的流行概况。
Studies on infection dynamics of fleas in the plague epizootic region 内蒙古高原长爪沙鼠鼠疫疫源地蚤类在鼠疫动物病流行区感染鼠疫的动态研究
Epizootic investigation was carried out and twenty samples of fin rot disease were collected in turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus) farm during the past 21 months along the coast of north China. 通过现场调查和记录备案送检大菱鲆病鱼样品的方法,对我国大菱鲆主要养殖区烂鳍病进行了21个月流行情况调查,共采集到烂鳍病发病样品20个。
Analysis and Diagnosis of Epizootic Hemorrhagic Fever ( EHF) which Infected the Staff from Laboratory Rat 实验大鼠引发实验人员感染流行性出血热的诊断分析
The study of hemolytic jaundice caused by the blood transfusion for the treatment of epizootic lymphangitis 血液疗法在马骡流行性淋巴管炎治疗中发生溶血性黄疸的调查研究
The occurrence and epizootic of the pebrine were investigated in silkworm hybrid eggs production on different area and year. 对杂交蚕种生产中的家蚕微粒子病发生和流行情况进行了数量统计分析。
In 1993, a epizootic hepatopancreatic cells necrosis syndrome of cultivated shrimp and co-infection of virus and mycoplasma-like in hepatopancreatic tissue cells of shrimp-diseased in Zhejiang Province, have been reported the first in this paper. 本文首次报道今年浙江省对虾大范围流行性肝胰腺坏死综合症及患病对虾肝胰腺组织中类支原体与病毒的合并感染。
This flea plays a very important role in advancing the prevalent peak of plague in autumn and winter and helping the main vector overwintering with plague in the epizootic process of plague. 在鼠疫动物病流行过程中,其对促进秋冬季流行高峰、辅助主要媒介携带鼠疫菌越冬方面,具有不可忽视的作用。
Tremor disease ( TD) is the most serious epizootic of the crab in recent years. 而颤抖病是近年来中华绒螯蟹最严重的流行病。
A survey of microbiology on conventional animals was performed in Heilongjiang Province in 2000-2001. Only one sample had positive reaction with antibody of epizootic hemorrhagic fever virus, then the block was slaughtered. 对黑龙江省2000~2001年度普通级实验动物微生物学进行抽检,结果表明,只在2000年检出一例大鼠的流行性出血热病毒血清抗体呈阳性反应,已做清群处理。
A Study of the Best Efficient Time and the Mininum Sampling on the Plague Epizootic Surveillance in Citellus Undulatus 长尾黄鼠鼠疫动物病监测的最佳有效监测时期和最低抽样量研究
The forecast result: the epizootic plague will be epidemic either 2002 or 2003 or so. 预报结果:到2002年或2003年左右,动物鼠疫可能发生流行。
Studies on the bovine epizootic fever virus morphological and physico chemical properties 牛流行热病毒的研究&病毒形态与理化特性
In 1993, population of culture shrimp, Penaeus chinensis, succumbed to an epizootic. Based on the test of infection and electric microscope observation, it was caused bv Baculovirus. 1993年养殖的中国对虾(PENAEUSCHINENSIS)发生了暴发性流行病,经人工感染和电镜观察,证实是由杆状病毒引起的。
With the spread of epizootic diseases such as avian influenza in the world, people pay more attention to epizootic diseases. 随着禽流感等动物流行病在世界范围内的蔓延,人们对动物流行病有了更多的关注。
Recently, the outbreaks of epizootic diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, mad cow disease and avian influenza, caused not only large economic losses, but also severely threaten and affect to human health. 近年来,包括口蹄疫、疯牛病、禽流感在内的动物流行病的不断暴发不仅造成了巨大的经济损失,而且严重威胁和影响人类健康。
Vibrio alginolyticus is one of the important epizootic pathogens causing high mortality outbreaks of vibriosis in sea animals in farmed mariculture throughout Europe and South Asia, resulting in important economic losses. 溶藻弧菌(Vibrioalginolyticus)是一种重要的动物致病菌,弧菌病暴发可以引起海水养殖动物的高死亡率,在欧洲和南亚等地导致重大的经济损失。