Being or relating to or bearing the name of an eponym. As a writer she was on a par with the great novelists. 属于齐名的,关于齐名的或产生齐名的。她是与伟大小说家齐名的作家。
The name of a person for whom something is supposedly named; Constantine I is the eponym for Constantinople. In the Fourth Crusade the Venetians took over Constantinople and established a line of Latin emperors. 被命名为某物的人名;君士坦丁堡与君士坦丁一世齐名。在第四次十字军东征时,威尼斯人占领了君士坦丁堡,并拥立另一支的拉丁皇帝。
The introduction is mainly about the definition of eponym, and emphasizing its development and synchrony with language. 前言主要是名祖名词的定义,阐述名祖名词的发展和存在现状,并强调了名祖名词始终与语言的发展共时。