Converting metric measurements to U.S. equivalents is easy. 将公制计量换算成美制计量非常简单。
Some American words have no British equivalents. 有些美国单词在英国英语中没有对应词。
They were not equivalents. 它们不是等价物。
The former has since faded away, as message-based XML technologies have proven more popular than their procedural equivalents. 前者已经逐渐退出舞台,因为实践已经证明,基于消息的XML技术比其程序替代品更受欢迎。
Also, because there are no services instances, there are no equivalents to relationships between services. 另外,因为没有服务实例,所以没有与服务之间的关系等价的东西。
The UNIX equivalents for the same functions are the dlopen, dlsym, and dlclose routines. 对于这些函数,UNIX的等价物分别是dlopen、dlsym和dlclose例程。
V displays non-printing characters, except line-feed and tab using their "control sequence" equivalents. v显示非打印字符,除了换行符和制表符,它们使用各自效果相当的“控制序列”。
Within Portfolio Manager, a project and a proposal are equivalents. 在PortfolioManager中,项目和提议是等同的。
For the simplification step, multiplatform and bridging applications and functional equivalents were introduced. 在简化步骤中,介绍了多平台应用程序、桥接应用程序和功能相当的产品。
Images must have textual equivalents. 图像要有文本的等价物。
Russia and China have lessened their dependence on Google and Facebook, only to replace them with local equivalents. 俄罗斯和中国降低了对谷歌和Facebook的依赖,却只是用同类的本土服务取而代之。
China, as yet, has no equivalents to Hollywood, Silicon Valley or "the American dream". 而中国到目前为止仍然没有自己的“好莱坞”,“硅谷”或者是“美国之梦”。
He accused NHK of irresponsibility by refusing to use native Japanese equivalents. 他指责NHK不负责任地使用这些外来词汇,而拒绝使用日语中原有的对等词汇。
Where there are no equivalents, upgrade warnings are added to the code. 对于没有等效项的情况,将在代码中添加升级警告。
We have already met one series of specific enol equivalents. 我们已经遇到过一系列有特效的烯醇等当物。
The cash ratio expresses the relationship of cash and cash equivalents to the current liabilities. 现金比率表达了现金和现金等价物与流动负债之间的关系。
Asset market bubbles of any scale and duration usually have their equivalents in the real economy. 无论规模大小,持续时间长短,资产市场泡沫通常都能在实体经济中找到对应情形。
The first is our investments: stocks, bonds and cash equivalents. 第一块是我们的投资:股票、债券和现金等价物。
Readers may be familiar with the XML equivalents based around the SAX-style libraries. 读者可能对基于XML的SAX风格的程序库比较熟悉。
It will also transfer your email and documents from Windows applications to their Linux equivalents. 它也能够将你的电子邮件和文档从Windows的应用程序中转到它们在Linux中同等之处。
Here we show that bona fide undifferentiated monocytes reside in the spleen and outnumber their equivalents in circulation. 在这里,我们发现,真正的未分化单核细胞居住在脾脏,其数量超过在循环中的水平。
One or more image map links do not have corresponding text equivalents. 一个或多个图像映射链接没有相应的对等文本。
Chinese cities were much larger than their equivalents in medieval europe, and Chinese trade routes as extensive. 中国的城市要比中世纪欧洲的城市大得多,中国的商路也四通八达。
Cash includes cash on hand, cash in bank, and cash equivalents such as liquid, short-term investments. 现金包括库存现金,银行存款,和现金等价物,例如具有流动性的短期投资。
Research on Extraction of Named Entity Translation Equivalents from Comparable Corpus 可比语料中命名实体翻译等价对抽取方法研究
Below are a few of the concepts with their description and respective equivalents. 以下就是这些概念的描述和相应的等价物。
These are examples of calls that return information that is not obtainable from the managed-class equivalents. 这些调用示例返回的信息不能从等效托管类获得。