If tedious tasks could be eradicated, the world would be a much better place. 如果可以消灭那些单调乏味的工作,世界将会变得更加美好。
We can't rest in peace until this evil is eradicated. 祸根不除,大家不得安枕。
Smallpox has almost been eradicated. 天花几乎已被消灭。
Singapore and Hong Kong virtually eradicated corruption in a generation. 新加坡和香港几乎仅仅通过一代人的努力就彻底清除了腐败。
Volcanic eruptions were still happening everyday and they had to seek shelter or they would be eradicated as well. 每天依然有火山喷发,他们不得不寻找躲避的地方,否则同样会被消灭。
She said different choices can and must be made so that poverty among women is eradicated. 她说,我们可以,也必须做出不同的选择,藉此来消灭妇女贫穷现象。
What a moment it will be when we announce that the dread disease of polio is eradicated! 当我们宣布小儿麻痹这个可怕的疾病已经彻低根除时,那会是多美好的一刻!
The doctors have eradicated smallpox from this place. 医生们已将这个地区的天花完全消灭了。
The disease is usually eradicated by the culling of infected animals and strict movement control. 由受感染的动物和严格的运动控制扑杀,这种疾病是通常根除。
Only smallpox has been eradicated. 只有天花已经被根除。
Inflation will never be completely eradicated from the economy. 永远不能将通货膨胀从经济中完全根除。
A number of countries have virtually eradicated bovine tuberculosis from cattle. 许多国家实际上已消灭了牛结核菌。
If its stem cells are eradicated, the rest of a tumour may die off. 若肿瘤干细胞被消灭,则其余部分也会相继死亡。
The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months. 在三个月内,新的疫苗根除了疾病的痕迹。
Polio was once common worldwide but it has almost been eradicated thanks to widespread vaccination since the1960s. 脊髓灰质炎曾经是全世界最广泛传播的一种疾病,不过,由于20世纪60年代开始的大范围疫苗接种,现在它几乎灭绝。中国在2000年被鉴定为根除了脊髓灰质炎。
Smallpox was eradicated from the world through a campaign coordinated by the World Health Organization ( WHO). 世界卫生组织(卫生组织)协调的运动在全世界消灭了天花。
This is a key reason why rampant corruption in Philippine cannot be eradicated. 这就是菲律宾贪污问题难以根除的主要原因之一。
He eradicated weeds in his garden. 他把花园中的杂草根除了。
Can yaws be eradicated? 能否根除雅司病?
His vaccine for polio eradicated one of the world's worst plagues. 他根除小儿麻痹症疫苗是世界上最坏的瘟疫。
In patients who received the drug, the adult worms were almost completely eradicated. 服用了多西环素的患者体内的成虫几乎完全被清除了。
None of our children are safe until polio is eradicated everywhere. 在所有地方根除脊髓灰质炎之前,我们的儿童都无安全保障。
To date, public health has eradicated only one disease – smallpox. 至今为止,在公共卫生方面只根除了一种疾病&天花。
Experts believe that yaws can be eliminated and eventually eradicated because humans are the only reservoir of infection. 专家认为,由于人类是唯一的感染贮主,雅司病可以得到治疗和最终根除。
Malaria cannot be controlled, much less eradicated, when health infrastructures are weak. 薄弱的卫生基础设施无法使疟疾得到控制,更无法将其消灭。
Leprosy is one of the few tropical diseases which could be eradicated early in the21st century. 麻风病是在21世界初可以被消灭的少数几种热带病之一。
We have already eradicated one of the three strains of wild polio virus. 我们已经根除了三种野生脊灰病毒菌株之一。
Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries. 黄热病在美国已经根除绝迹,但在些国家却依然存在。
As a result of all this, China has virtually eradicated the illegal cultivation of mother drug plants. 目前,中国基本禁绝了非法种植毒品原植物。
Cancer is never going to be eradicated as long as life exists as we know it today. 据我们目前对癌症的了解只要生命存在一天,癌症就永远不会被彻底根除。