Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia, racism and sexism. 一些像我们这样的团体致力于消除对同性恋的憎恶、种族歧视和性别歧视。
The immune system is also capable of recognizing and eradicating certain cancers. 免疫系统也能够识别和消灭某些癌症。
That is why this past year, we decided to take a new approach to combating race discrimination, which we call ERACE and it stands for eradicating racism and colorism from employment. 这就是为什么去年我们决定采用新的方法来反对种族歧视,这就是我们叫的ERACE,它代表在就业中消除种族注意和肤色主义。
The fight to end polio is not over, not even in India, and new polio cases in the Horn of Africa and Syria underscore the importance of eradicating polio everywhere. 消灭小儿麻痹症的斗争尚未结束,甚至在印度也如此,非洲之角(HornofAfrica)和叙利亚的小儿麻痹症新发病例凸显了在世界各地根除小儿麻痹症的重要性。
The power of the internet will do nothing for the world's poorest-but eradicating disease just might. 互联网的威力根本帮不了全球最贫穷的人群,倒是根除某些疾病有望造福于穷人。
As a foundation, we do pre-siloed work, she said, indicating its work on eradicating malaria and polio. 梅琳达表示:作为一个基金会,我们做的是一些本质上比较封闭的工作,她指的是基金会在根除疟疾和小儿麻痹症上的工作。
Indeed, India's accomplishment in eradicating polio is the most impressive global health success I've ever seen. 实际上,印度根除小儿麻痹症的成就是我所见过的令人印象最深刻的全球卫生事业的胜利。
I'm gonna donate all my monies to eradicating the homelessness situations. 我会把所有的钱都捐出来根除无家可归的状况。
This was very effective in eradicating the remaining evils of feudalism. 这对消除封建残余很有作用。
We are on the verge of eradicating polio in the world. 我们已在世界消除小儿麻痹症的边缘了。
He offered the world a goal of eradicating nuclear weapons, although he admitted that it might not be achieved in his lifetime. 奥巴马给全世界设定了一个根除核武器的目标,虽然他承认在其有生之年这一目标可能无法实现。
Family planning has accelerated the process of eradicating poverty in rural China. 计划生育促进了中国农村消除贫困的进程。
Uruguay is a good example of a country that gained access to a lucrative market after eradicating foot and mouth disease. 乌拉圭就是一个在根除了口蹄疫之后进入了高收益市场的一个很好的例子。
They feel a direct connection, like they can really participate in eradicating poverty. 他们有直接联系,就像他们能真正参与根除贫穷的活动。
Implementing policies aimed at eradicating poverty and inequality; 实施旨在消灭贫困和不平等的政策;
Conclusion Eradicating helicobacter pylori infection is valuable for confining the occurrence of arterial sclerosis. 结论根治幽门螺杆菌感染阻止动脉硬化的发生具有一定的临床价值。
Public-opinion surveys in the United States show declining support for the Afghan war effort and growing pessimism about the chances for success in eradicating terrorists and extremists. 同时,美国的民调显示,民众对阿富汗战争的支持率在下降,对美国在根除恐怖分子和极端分子方面的成功机率越来越感到悲观。
Conserving red squirrels and eradicating greys on the UK mainland is a waste of money, argues Stephen harris. 在英国大陆上保存红松鼠和根除灰松鼠是浪费金钱的,斯蒂芬?哈里斯争论道。
A strategy for eradicating poverty will not succeed if an economy's environmental support systems are collapsing. 如果一个经济的环境支持系统在崩溃,消除贫困的战略就难以奏效。
It wants to offer the public "the joy of eradicating non-native species". 它想要给公众提供“根除外来物种的乐趣”。
Eradicating the too-big-to-fail problem should be the main policy goal. 根绝“大到不能倒”问题应该成为主要的政策目标。
She said eradicating poverty and addressing conflict in developing countries requires new energy initiatives and a new approach to managing resources. 她说,消除贫困和解决发展中国家的冲突需要新的能源倡议以及新的管理资源的途径。
First, it must increase the effectiveness of its work with its members towards eradicating hunger, as reflected in the first Millennium Development Goal. 第一,正如第一个千年发展目标中所阐明的,粮农组织必需提高为消除饥饿而与其成员一起开展工作的效益。
Of the four countries with endemic poliovirus – the others are Nigeria and India – Afghanistan and Pakistan are closest to eradicating polio. 在流行地方性脊髓灰质炎病毒的四个国家(其他两个是尼日利亚和印度)中,阿富汗和巴基斯坦最接近于根除脊髓灰质炎。
He and his congregation have also set themselves the goal of eradicating poverty in Africa. 他和信众们同样在非洲设定了消除贫困的目标。
These mortgages offer the prospect of reducing or eradicating a mortgage through successful currency trading. 有一类抵押贷款货币管理产品可以通过成功的外汇交易,减少或消除抵押贷款。
The policy succeeded in eradicating poverty among Malays but has been blamed for leading to an informal apartheid. 这项政策在消除马来人贫困方面取得了成功,但也遭到了指责,认为它将导致非正式的种族隔离。
Only by eradicating the unfair policies and systems, can fair employment be achieved. 只有从制度建设方面清理不合理的政策法规,才能实现流动人口的平等就业。
This party is committed to eradicating poverty. 这个政党允诺要消灭贫困。