"A coach is like a personal trainer for business," says Erika Andersen, author of Being Strategic and coach to many media executives. 埃里卡•安德森说,“培训就如同生意上的私人教练。”她是《战略性思维》(BeingStrategic)一书的作者,同时也是多位媒体主管的培训教练。
"As much as you are working with animals for a living, you are also working with their owners," says Erika Teschke, owner of Erika's Pet Service, a pet sitting and dog walking company in Seattle. “如果你是依靠照顾宠物维生的话,你同时也是和他们的主人打交道。”西雅图一家宠物公司的老板ErikaTeschke说。
'It's a vulnerable position to need support,' says Erika Lawrence, one of the lead researchers on the studies and associate professor at the University of Iowa. 爱荷华大学副教授、该系列研究的带头人之一埃里卡•劳伦斯(ErikaLawrence)说:在需要支持的时候,人们总处在一个很脆弱的位置。
Erika and I had to go to various offices around Beijing, and sit there, and take a number, and find out who it is you have to supply documents to. 我和Erika不得不走遍北京,去各种各样的办事处,坐下来,取个号,等着看你到底应该把文件递给谁。
And this young lady is my niece, erika. 这位小姐是我侄女,埃里卡。
That's my name, Erika tansey. 那是我的名字,艾瑞卡泰西。
Erika, I believe. I believe her name is erika. 爱瑞卡,我相信她叫爱瑞卡。
Should the oil company be held liable for the vessel-source marine pollution damages?& comment on the civil verdict of the European Court regarding the MV Erika oil pollution case 石油公司应该对船舶油污损害负责吗?&评欧盟法院对Erika轮油污案的裁决
Erika's amazing plan was great, Jessica's fight was pretty damn cool, and I suppose I liked Erika's final stand as well. 绘梨花的惊人计划很强大,而朱志香的战斗也超帅!我觉得我也挺喜欢绘梨花那最后的退场。
I imagine we are all, like cassettes, thoughts wrapped up in awkward packaging. ErikaIrisSimmons我想我们大家都一样,录音带,思想包裹在尴尬的包装了。
Erika Guan, a Beijing native studying politics in Taipei, says the chance for tourists to see how Taiwanese society is really harmonious could change that view. 在台北学习政治学的北京人ErikaGuan说,大陆游客来了以后看到台湾社会真的很和谐,可能就会改变这种成见。
Prentice Welch and Erika Lam, both 24, are old hands at using technology to keep in touch while they are apart. 普伦蒂斯-韦尔奇和埃里卡-兰姆都是利用新技术在他们不在一起时保持联系的老手。