But as Miss Brill wondered, the ermine toque turned, raised her hand as though she'd seen someone else, much nicer, just over there, and pattered away. 然而就在布里尔小姐想着这些的时候,貂皮无沿帽转过身去,好像看见了就在那边有另一个更好的人似地扬起手,嗒嗒地走了。
The ermine toque was alone; she smiled more brightly than ever. 只有貂皮无沿帽独自呆在那里,她笑得更加明快了。
And though the lords were clad in their red and white ermine cloaks and ambassadors from around the world wore colourful national costumes, at least nobody turned up in a suit of armour. 在英国议会,尽管上议院的议员们穿着红白相间的貂皮大衣,来自世界各地的大使们也穿着五颜六色的民族服装,但没有人敢穿着一身盔甲出现在这。
He was tall, stiff, dignified, and she was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow. 他身材高大、神态拘谨、举止庄重,而她戴的貂皮无沿帽是在她的头发是黄色时买的。
Now everything, her hair, her face, even her eyes, was the same color as the shabby ermine, and her hand, in its cleaned glove, lifted to dab her lips, was a tiny yellowish paw. 发,脸,甚至眼睛都和这顶破旧的貂皮帽一样颜色苍白了。她抬起来轻抹嘴唇的那只戴着洗过手套的手是只发黄的爪子。
The little prince looked everywhere to find a place to sit down; but the entire planet was crammed and obstructed by the king's magnificent ermine robe. 小王子看看四周,想找个地方坐下来,可是整个星球被国王华丽的白底黑花皮袍占满了。
Clad in royal purple and ermine, he was seated upon a throne which was at the same time both simple and majestic. 国王穿着用紫红色和白底黑花的毛皮做成的大礼服,坐在一个很简单却又十分威严的宝座上。
The Lumi è re camera has already been used to analyse Leonardo's Mona Lisa and Lady with an Ermine; by the Kr ö ller-M ü ller, Van Gogh and Cleveland Art Museums; and by the Art Institute of Chicago. 凡高,克利夫兰城市艺术馆和芝加哥艺术馆已经用光线摄像机来分析达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎。
Mademoiselle Vaubois, perfect in her style, was the ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelligence. 弗波瓦姑娘是她那种人中的典型,是一头冥顽不灵、没有一点聪明的银鼠。
"I order you to do so," the king answered him, and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle. 我命令你坐下。」国王回答他,并很威风的拉一拉大礼袍的衣角。
The ermine in its brown summer coat with black-tipped tail. 夏季棕色毛的鼬,尾巴尖为黑色。
The robe is fringed with ermine. 这件长袍以白鼬毛皮镶边。
One species that has white fur in the winter is called the ermine. 有一种冬天皮毛变白的鼬叫白鼬。
She was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow. 她戴的貂皮无沿帽是在她头发还是黄色时买的。
The expensive white fur of the ermine. 貂白色的毛皮,价格昂贵。
His robes were a somber purple, trimmed with ermine. 他穿着镶有白鼬皮的暗紫色长袍。
She furred herself with ermine. Some people used panda's fur to sleep on or to make fur coats. 她身上穿着貂皮衣服。一些人睡在熊猫皮上或用它作皮衣。
Whose skin was white as the back of an ermine. 他的皮肤白得像是银貂的背部。
The elder lady was enveloped in a costly velvet shawl, trimmed with ermine, and she wore a false front of French curls. 上了年纪的那位太太裹着一条贵重的貂皮边丝绒披巾,额前还戴着法国假卷发。
"The Lady with an Ermine" shows the Duke of Milan's teenage mistress in a fashionable red gown, its slit sleeves revealing a pale underdress. “抱银鼠的女子”向我们展示了米兰公爵年少时的情妇,她穿着时尚的红色礼服,从她的袖缝中可以看到她苍白色的内衣。
People hunt the ermine for its beautiful fur. 人们捕猎白鼬,以获取它那美丽的毛皮。
And now an ermine toque and a gentleman in grey met just in front of her. 现在一个戴貂皮无沿帽的女人和一个穿灰衣服的先生正好在她面前相遇了。
But another seven or eight of the enemies, who though feared the horrible ermine, dared not flinch in the presence of their master, run after them, yelling loudly. 神农帮帮众虽见这小貂甚是可怖,但在帮主之前谁也不敢退缩,又有七八人呼啸追来。
Using ceramic materials to make automobile engine pans can increase the ermine horsepower and thermal efficiency and decrease the engine weight and its running noise; and therefore is the tendency of automobile engine development. 使用陶瓷材料制造发动机零件可以提高发动机功率和热效率,减少重量及噪音,是汽车发动机的发展方向。
Isolation and Identification on Streptococcus and Pasteurella Mixed Infection in Ermine 貂链球菌和巴氏杆菌混合感染的分离与鉴定
The method has been applied to det ermine microamounts of zinc in human hair and nails with satisfactory results. 方法用于测定指甲和人发中微量锌,结果满意。