It uses an errorless learning method and have drill and test modes, which the user can set. 本软件练习使用无误差的学习方法,并且分练习篇及测试篇供用者自行设定。
On errorless multicast transmission of embedded Linux system in the network; A "clean", or mistake-free, broadcast is a tribute to that cooperation. 网络型嵌入Linux系统的无差错多播传输研究一个干净的即无差错的新闻节目是对那种合作的一曲颂歌。
Conforming exactly to fact; errorless. 准确的与事实完全相符的;无误的。
In verification process, various methods including module-level verification, hardware/ software co-simulation and FPGA prototype are used to ensure MPEG-SoC design errorless. 在MPEG-SoC的验证过程中,采用模块级验证、基于RTL描述的直接协同仿真以及基于FPGA原型的软硬件协同验证等多角度、多层次的验证手段,确保了SoC设计的准确无误。
Application of errorless learning in memory rehabilitation in patients with brain injury 无错性学习在脑损伤患者记忆功能恢复中的应用
The improvement and enhancement in foreign language teaching relies on the understanding for learning process, but the errorless analysis theory shows learning process by analysis on language errors. 外语教学的改进与提高依赖于对学习过程的理解,而错误分析理论正是通过分析学习者所出现的语言错误来揭示语言学习过程的。
This paper describes the network model and protocol of Linux system, and realization of errorless multicast transmission of the embedded Linux system in the network. 描述了Linux系统的网络模型及其使用的协议,并阐述了网络型嵌入式Linux系统的无差错多播传输的实现。
The efficient and errorless bill management system is exploited to meet the needs of the times and management work. 高效率、无差错的票据管理系统的开发是适应时代和管理工作的需要。