The technical term for sunburn is erythema 晒斑的专业术语是红斑。
A larger ulcer and several adjacent smaller ones with surrounding erythema appear at the left of center. 图中央左侧可见一个大溃疡和红斑周围几个相邻的小溃疡。
Raake investigated the extent of the antiphogistic effect of MPS ointment on the ultraviolet erythema test in guinea pigs. Raake等人通过紫外线红斑试验,观测了多磺酸粘多糖在该方面的作用,试验对象为豚鼠。
Analysis of 18 cases of major erythema multiforme and toxic epidermal necrolysis 重症多形红斑及中毒性表皮坏死松解症18例临床分析
I have a patient with tenderness and erythema extending from her upper chest to her left arm. 我有个得敏感红斑的病人,从前胸到左臂。
Results The extinctive time of erythema in acne patients was shortened and the extinction of pigment expedited after treated in combination with dressing collagen. 结果痤疮患者采用胶原蛋白贴敷料配合治疗,红斑消退时间缩短,色素斑消退时间加快。
Paget's disease of the nipple presents with skin changes, including erythema, crusting, scaling, and discharge; 乳头偑吉特病的特征是皮肤改变,包括红斑、结皮、结鳞和出现分泌物等。
Swelling and erythema receded after a few days. 水肿和红斑也于用药很少几天后减轻了。
In familial Mediterranean fever, the rash is most typically on the lower leg, ankle, or dorsum of the foot ( erysipeloid erythema). 在家族性地中海热综合征患者中,典型的皮疹主要出现在大腿下部、踝关节和脚背(类丹毒样红斑);
What calls erythema oozy sex gastritis? 什么叫红斑渗出性胃炎?
The condition, technically called erythema ab igne, has been observed before on the lower legs of patients who worked in front of open fires or coal stoves. 专业上叫做火激红斑的疾病已经在明火或煤炉之前工作患者的小腿上被观察到。
Erythema migrans appears at the bite site after three days to a month. 游走性红斑于3日至一个月后出现在被叮咬处。
A superficial form of glossitis marked by irregular red patches on the tongue and sensitivity to hot or spicy food. The clinical manifestations included erythema, erosion and white patch in the oral cavity and the tongue, and ingestion of the pharynx. 一种浅表型舌炎特征是舌面有不规则的红斑对辛辣食物敏感。主要表现为口腔粘膜及舌部红斑、烂、斑和咽部充血。
Relapse was defined as the occurrence of new bullae daily for several consecutive days, along with the reappearance of erythema and pruritus. 复发被定义为连续数天每天都有新水疱发生,同时出现红斑和瘙痒。
Conclusions: Syndrome differentiation and treatment shows a better therapeutic effect for erythema multiforme. 结论:辨证论治多形红斑疗效显著。
During the treatment with Hirudoid forte pain on pressure subsided in96% of patients, swelling in98% and erythema in83%. 治疗期间,特强喜疗妥组96%的患者压痛缓解,96%的患者水肿消退,而红斑的减轻率为83%。
"Conjunctivitis from erythema multiforme, a skin eruption, can also cause Blindness." This colonic mucosal surface is erythematous because of the enormous infestation by Trichuris organisms ( whipworms). 多形性红斑有时会伴发严重的结膜炎,亦可致盲。鞭虫大量侵袭使结肠粘膜表面出现红斑。
The UV erythema is an inflammation model in which the inhibition of skin reddening by pharmaceutical agents is assessed as a parameter for their anti-inflammatory effect. 紫外线红斑是一炎症模型,而药物制剂对于其皮肤充血的抑制则作为观测抗炎作用的参数。
It is based on the minimum erythema dose of the skin determined. 它是根据皮肤的最低红斑剂量来确定的。
Objective To study the role of cellular immunity in pathogenesis of erythema nodosum and nodular vasculitis. 目的研究结节性红斑、结节性血管炎患者细胞免疫功能。
The patient was21-year-old male with erythema, papule, ulceration, crust, scar and tissue defect on facial skin for20 years and verrucous hyperplasia on four limbs for3 years. 面部出现红斑、丘疹、溃烂、结痂20年,四肢皮肤疣状增生3年,面部遗留毁容性瘢痕及组织缺损。
Results The lesions appeared as atrophy, erythema, subcutaneous nodules, infiltrated erythema, and ulceration over the scalp, face, upper limbs, and buttock. 结果皮损好发于头面部、上肢及臀部,常表现为皮肤萎缩、红斑、皮下结节、浸润性红斑及皮肤破溃。
Methods: The nursing of18 severe erythema multiforme patients were summarized. 方法:对18例重症多形红斑住院患者的护理进行总结。
To observe the clinical value of urinary slight albumin and alexin in diagnosing kidney function injury of on Systemic Erythema Lupus ( SLE). 探讨尿微量蛋白及补体在系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)肾功能损伤诊断中的临床价值。
Just above this valve in the cecum is the beginning of the mucosal inflammation with erythema and granularity. 瓣膜上方开始带有红斑和颗粒性的粘膜炎症。
All the ointments tested led to an inhibition of the UV-induced erythema, but there were great differences in the extent of inhibition. 所有的受试软膏均对紫外线诱导的红斑有抑制作用,但抑制程度有很大的不同。
Objective: To discuss the role of nursing in the treatment of severe erythema multiforme. 目的:探讨护理在重症多形红斑治疗中的作用。
Frequently, early in the disease, the skin is discolored by a marked erythema. 常在疾病早期,皮肤因有明显的红疹而变色。
Expression of ringworm of the body is erythema papula, blister, show cricoid or coin shape. 体癣表现为红斑丘疹、水疱,呈环状或钱币状。
Acute attacks are characterized by severe pain, swelling, and erythema of the joint. 急性发作是以剧痛、肿胀与关节红斑为特征。