By espousing a philosophy of "convention over configuration" and agile development principles, Rails can radically reduce development time and effort involved in creating Web applications. Rails奉行“约定高于配置(conventionoverconfiguration)”思想以及敏捷开发原则,它可以极大地减少开发时间和花在创建Web应用程序上的精力。
The version of independence on offer by the Scottish National party is thus a strikingly moderate one, espousing civic values rather than ethnic identity and stressing continuing close links with the remaining UK. 因此,苏格兰民族党(SNP)提出的独立主张非常温和,信奉公民价值观,而不是民族认同,强调继续与英国其余部分保持紧密联系。
He is a man known for espousing the merits of free markets and private business – but is not calling for the abolition of the Federal Reserve or a return to the gold standard. 他以拥护自由市场和私营企业的优越性著称,但不会呼吁废除美联储(Fed)或者回到金本位制。
The Principal Part of the Environmental Right-Concurrently on the Predicament and Outlet of the Right of Natural Things in the Respect of Law Operations; of or relating to or espousing operationalism. 环境权的主体&兼论自然物权利在法律操作层面的困境与出路属于、关于操作主义的,或支持操作主义的。
East Coast styles were generally hard-core, 7 with rappers espousing political and social ideals, often from an afro-centric perspective. 总的来说东岸风格是核心力量,说唱歌手拥护以非洲为中心观点的政治和社会理想。
One friend of his, an American who works in film, was paid to represent a Canadian company and give a speech espousing a low-carbon future. 有一位从事电影工作的美国人,被请来去作为一加拿大公司的代表,并走上讲台发表有关低碳生活方式的演讲;
The politicians they lobby sound increasingly like their mouthpieces, espousing the revisionist view that the crisis was caused by bad regulation. 在它们的游说之下,政治家听上去越来越像它们的代言人,纷纷赞同危机乃是不良监管所致的修正主义观点。
Solely espousing of Confucianism in ideology was reflected in three fields: education, official selection and Confucianization of judicial system. 儒学在意识形态领域的“独尊”地位主要体现在三个方面:教育、选官及法律的儒家化。
But, like modifiable front pages, website customisation is something that Yahoo was espousing a decade ago. 然而,就像可变换的首页一样,量身定做网站是雅虎十年前就采用过的做法。
Conclusions: Long time espousing in the hot environment could result in neurasthenic syndrome. 结论:长期接触高温,可引起工人神经衰弱综合征。