The most trifling of essayists and most unmemorable of poetasters are seized upon to serve as subjects for doctoral dissertations, and be published subsequently. 最不足取的散文作家,最无出息的劣等诗人,都被抢去作为博士论文的题目,后来还要出版。
For many of the essayists the trauma of the financial crisis has clearly not disappeared from the Asian psyche. 在许多短文作者看来,金融危机的伤痛显然还未从亚洲人的心理上消失。
Born in1936 in Arequipa, Peru, Llosa is one of Latin America's leading novelists and essayists. 马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨1936年出生于秘鲁阿雷基帕,是拉美文坛的重要作家之一。
About The pursuit of the essayists in the new time 新时期杂文家的审美艺术追求
On the Social Essayists 'Creation During the May 4th Movement 论五四社会派散文作家的创作
Sociologically, evangelicalism has three features in general. On the Social Essayists 'Creation During the May 4th Movement 在社会表现形态上,现代福音派具有以下三个特征。论五四社会派散文作家的创作
Han Yu, who raised the banner of the ancient essays movement in Tang dynasty, became one of the greatest essayists and models in Chinese literature history because of his unique literary achievements, influencing newcomers for over a thousand years as a writing law. 唐韩愈树起古文运动大旗,以其精妙绝伦的文学成就而为百世师,一言为天下法,成为中国文学史上影响千年的散文宗师。
Although Xiaohong is famous for her novels, she in nature belongs to essayists who has temperament of poets. 萧红虽以小说知名文坛,但其本质上更属于具有诗人气质的散文型作家。
In the early new century, there have appeared three styles in essay writing: one is the formal_and_traditional essay, written in a traditional way, mostly by doyen essayists, sometimes by famous writers and press editors; 新世纪之初的杂文创作呈现三种流向:一种是以老一辈杂文作家为主体的,兼有一些著名作家、报刊编辑组成的,用传统手法写作的传统严肃杂文;
Then, using the rising of modern intellectual class as the background, the author goes on to illustrate how the modern Chinese essayists carried out their extensive social criticism and civilization criticism through essays in the 20th century. 以现代知识阶层崛起为背景,说明中国现代随笔家在20世纪文坛上如何以随笔为言说方式,进行广泛的社会批评和文明批评;
A lot of outstanding essayists in our country create a large number of excellent works of prose. 我国很多优秀的散文家,创造了大量优秀的散文作品。
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was one of the famous British Romantic novelists, short story writers, dramatists, essayists, as well as biographers in the 19th century. 玛丽·沃尔斯通克拉芙特·雪莱是19世纪英国著名的浪漫主义小说家、短片故事作家、戏剧家、散文家和传记作者。
Anyhow, the two essayists put together, have the academic value and significance of literature. 总之,把这两位散文家放在一起进行比较性研究,是有一定的学术价值和文学史意义的。
Su Zhe, one of Tang and Song Eight Essayists, played an important role in the history of ancient essay development. 苏辙,这位名列唐宋八大家之中的古文大家,在中国古代散文发展史上有着重要的地位。
The two essayists, whether in style or personality have many parallels. 这两位散文家无论在文风还是人格上均有很多可相比较之处。
During this period, a great number of outstanding essayists have emerged with a variety of excellent essays. 这一时期涌现了不少优秀的散文家,也创造了很多优秀的作品。
Many reviewers and essayists focus their researches from racial, psychological, feminist, existentialist, and some other perspectives. 许多评论家及研究者主要从种族、心理学、女性主义、存在主义等视角对小说进行研究。