For a long time the idea was that we have to choose between essentialism and constructionism. 长期以来,人们认为,我们必须在本质论和建构论之间做出选择。
A reason for this is their thinking mode of Literary Essentialism which puts them in a theoretical dilemma. 刘勰“原道”说是困扰现代学人的一大学术难题,原因之一是文学本质主义的思维模式使其陷入了理论困局。
Accordingly, the anti-essentialism of pragmatism makes the disadvantage of essentialism invalid, realizes the toleration of thoughts. 相对地,实用主义的反本质主义特性使得他们解除了本质主义的思想霸权,实现了思想宽容。
Translating "the Other in the Other": A Strategic Essentialism: An Insight into Spivak's Post-colonial Poetics of Translation 翻译他者中的他者:一种策略上的本质主义&透视斯皮瓦克的后殖民翻译诗学
Go out of the Essentialism: Research on the Capacity-building of the Rural Women's Participation in the Village Governance 走出本质主义:妇女参与村级治理能力建设研究
They will be inclined to side with essentialism and against nominalism. 他们显然是站在本质主义一边而反对唯名主义。
The Education That Can Not Be "Defined"── The End of Educational Thinking Mode of Essentialism 不可定义的教育&论本质主义教育思维方式的终结
Essentialism and rationalism had been questioned, on the other hand, human activities, irrationalism and relativisim have gained the favor. 本质主义、理性主义受到质疑,人的能动性、非理性主义、相对主义受到追捧。
On the Dispute between Essentialism and Anti-essentialism in Pedagogy of China 中国教育学研究中的本质主义与反本质主义:从分歧到融合
In two major philosophical views today, essentialism seeks for the generality and universality of things, while anti-essentialism thinks essence is an illusion. 在当今两种主要哲学观中,本质主义寻求着事物的共性和普遍性,反本质主义认为本质是一个幻影。
Knowledge Education Views of American Contemporary Essentialism and Its Revelation 美国当代要素主义的知识教育观及其启示
The New Development of the Educational Thought of Essentialism in America: The Ideas on Educational Reform of Chester. E.Finn, A Contemporary Essentialist 要素主义教育思潮在美国的新发展&当代要素主义者切斯特·费恩的教育改革主张
On the Inherent Conflict Between Essentialism and Anti-essentialism in Marx s Theory of Human Being; 论马克思人论中本质主义与反本质主义的内在冲突(中)
The ideas underpinning traditional mental training curriculum and subject-based curriculum origin from perpetualism and essentialism. 倡导训练心智传统核心课程和分科课程的,其思想往往来源于永恒主义或要素主义;
The process philosophy created by Alfred North Whitehead, an American philosopher, had an important effect on modern western philosophy with its arguing against traditional essentialism. 由美国哲学家怀特海所创立的过程哲学,以反对传统的实在论而对现代西方哲学产生了重要的影响。
Under the influence of Western anti-essentialist cultural trends, the common teaching material construction of literary theory has presented the two trends of essentialism and anti-essentialism. 受西方反本质主义文化思潮影响,当下《文学理论》通用教材建设呈现出本质主义与反本质主义两种倾向。
Currently, there are three different ways in the building of knowledge form of Literature and Art Theory, such as essentialism, anti-essentialism, Constructivism. 目前,中国文学研究中存在本质主义、反本质主义、建构主义等三种不同的文艺学知识建构方式。
Her stories not only explore the relationship between human being, nature and animals, but also touch upon such ecofeminist s concerns as gender and patriarchy that are related to essentialism. 弗里曼的作品包含了明显的生态女性主义思想,她的短篇小说不仅探讨了人类与自然、人与动物的关系,同时又涉及了性别、父权等生态女性主义者关心的本质主义问题。
Gender: From Essentialism to Social Constructionism 社会性别:从本质论到社会建构论
The population thought criticized the essentialism, exposed the complicated relation of individual and colony, and made an important effect in the studying of modern philosophy to life and society. 种群思想,批判了本质论,揭示了个体与群体的复杂关系,对现代哲学中人和社会的研究产生重要的影响。
Postmodernism psychology criticizes the viewpoint of human nature of the modernism psychology such as essentialism. 后现代主义对现代主义心理学的人性观进行了深刻解构和重构。
Ellul's definition of technology is an essentialism definition. Winner's description about technology is of nonessential. 埃吕尔给技术下了一个本质主义的定义,温纳对技术采取了非本质主义的描述;
Second part, Summarize essentialism characteristic and appraise to this mode of thinking. 第二部分,总结本质主义的特征,并对这一思维方式进行评价。
Denial on the definitude and universality of law, by objecting essentialism; 反对法律本质主义,否定法律的确定性和普适性;
Hegel and modern Kripke, Putnam and others have developed the essentialism on certain degrees. 黑格尔以及现代的克里普克等人都从不同程度上发展了本质主义。
Can be said that The Positivism resist to the metaphysical essentialism through experience and consciousness of object, but The phenomenology resist through experience and self consciousness. 可以说实证主义对形而上学本质主义的反抗是通过经验和对象意识,而现象学则是通过体验和自我意识。
Chinese modern writers accepted religious culture, but they paid little attention to religious customs or essentialism of religion. 宗教文化在被中国现代作家接受时,他们很少关注宗教典经习俗、宗教本质论等问题,而是看重宗教对人生的感悟和对终极价值的思考。
In the historical process of the development of feminism, there have been two important and different answers to this question: Essentialism and constructivism. 在女性主义发展的历史过程中,曾出现了对这个问题两种重要的、不同性质的答案:本质论和建构论。
In this part, I intend to expound how Wittgenstein criticized the traditional essentialism of aesthetics. 在这部分,主要是阐明后期的维特根斯坦是如何实现对传统本质主义美学的批判。
Constructivism is a new idea of literary theory, constructivism is against essentialism. 建构主义是对文学理论的一种新主张,建构主义反对本质主义。