
英 [ˈetʃɪz] 美 [ˈetʃɪz]

v.  蚀刻,凿出(玻璃、金属等上的文字或图画); (脸上)流露出; 铭刻; 画出…的轮廓


  1. VERB 蚀刻;凿刻
    If a line or pattern is etched into a surface, it is cut into the surface by means of acid or a sharp tool. You can also say that a surface is etched with a line or pattern.
    1. Crosses were etched into the walls...
    2. The acid etched holes in the crystal surface...
    3. Windows are etched with the vehicle identification number...
    4. The stained-glass panels are etched and then handpainted using traditional methods.
  2. VERB 使表现在脸上;使流露
    If you say that feelings are etched on someone's face, you mean that the person is very strongly affected by them, and you can see this in their appearance.
    1. His grief was etched into every line of his face...
    2. Every line etched on her face told a story of personal anguish.
  3. V-PASSIVE 使铭记在心;使刻骨铭心
    If something is etched on your memory, you remember it very clearly, usually because it has some special importance for you.
    1. The ugly scene in the study was still etched in her mind...
    2. This stark image will remain etched in the memory of a generation of Berliners.


  1. Acid rain does harm to vegetation and wildlife, etches car finishes, and corrodes buildings and bridges.
  2. The experimental results of the deep etches show that threading dislocations with certain orientations really exist in the epilayer.
  3. With this method, the printmaker cuts or "etches" an image onto a piece of metal.
  4. Then the wafer is sent through a chemical bath that etches trenches into the exposed substrate, while leaving the areas covered by the photoresist untouched.
  5. Effects of nitric-phosphoric acid etches on properties of CdTe thin films and back contacts of CdTe solar cells
  6. Another copolyester B-ET was treated by permanganic etches, also demonstrating the fibrillar banded texture.
  7. Computer optical element based on light-wave diffraction theory is through that etches on film base to produce relievo structure with two or multiple sidestep depths, and form pure phase and coaxial recurrence, so it has higher diffraction efficiency.
  8. It is shown methyl is the dominant diamond growth precursor, acetylene contributes to non-diamond carbon deposition and atomic hydrogen etches non-diamond carbon.
  9. Oxygen ECR/ RP plasma etches diamond successfully with an etch rate up to 8 μ m/ h. The etch rate and surface morphology are influenced by biasing frequency and self biasing voltage.
  10. After exposure and development, photo-resist ring array ( PRA) is successfully fabricated on the surface of the aluminum, and uses PRA as an anti-corrosion layer when etches the structure.