Joel David Coen and Ethan Jesse Coen, known together professionally as the Coen brothers, are American filmmakers. 乔尔·科恩(JoelCoen)和伊桑·科恩(EthanCoen)兄弟是美国著名的电影导演、编剧、制片。
Singer Jesse Harris wrote songs for this year's film The Hottest State, written and directed by Ethan Hawke. 歌手杰西哈里斯为伊桑•霍克撰写和执导的影片《最热的国度》写歌。
But we can't have Ethan running his mouth off about Amelia. 但我们不能让伊桑对阿米莉亚的事说三道四。
We take the money* Ethan takes the blame. 我们拿了钱,让伊桑背黑锅。
Ethan: Not until I meet Rebecca. She's flying home for the weekend. 伊森:等我见到蕾贝卡再说。她要飞回来度周末。
Ethan hunt and his team just grabbed Owen Davian in rome. 伊森亨特和他的小队刚刚在罗马抓住了欧文戴维安。
Ethan, do you know that you can call me dad? 伊顿,你知道你可以叫我爸爸吗?
I know how much jim, in particular, meant to you, ethan. 我知道吉姆对你非常特别,伊桑。
Ethan Thomas calls himself a man of faith. 伊桑托马斯说自己是个有信仰的男人。
Ethan, at least show me the courtesy of looking at me when I'm talking to you. 伊森你起码要表现出和他人谈话时应有的礼貌。
You're now saying that ethan's are more important. 现在你又要说伊森比较重要了吗。
I wanted that personal side of Ethan ( his character in the film). 伊桑(他在电影中的角色)的个性正合我意。
Ethan Hunt: You made it sound as if I was recruiting her for her skills as a thief. 伊森:可听上去是因为她的偷窃技术才被招募的。
Ethan, you had a watch last time I saw you. 伊森上次碰面的时候我记得你有只手表。
Ethan Zuckerman mentioned that some of the best creativity came to light when work was done in constrained conditions. EthanZuckerman提到,有些最好的创新,是当我们在约束条件下工作时产生的。
It was nice that Ethan's uncle and auntie came to see us too. 梓淇的叔叔阿姨也都一起来了。
Was Ethan involved in that? ethan也有份吗?
Ethan was making gains in the information he was getting about his own family. 他对箱子里的东西小心翼翼,他正在对自己的家庭获得更多的信息。
Last weekend, Ethan helped granny make cheese cake. 上个周末,郭梓淇帮奶奶做奶酪蛋糕。
Will the weekend's snow bring us a White Christmas this year? Ethan's preparing for the holidays. 周末的雪会不会带来一个白色圣诞节呢?小小胖已经为圣诞节准备起来了。
Ethan, I really don't feel like being touched right now, okay? ethan,我不喜欢现在被抚摸,好吗?
Ethan hunt: did you hear me? The list is in the open. 伊森:你听见了吗?名单已经外泄。
Ethan's helping daddy to assemble the tree, then hang all the ornaments. 小小胖帮爸爸把树装起来,然后挂上各种各样的小饰品。
You're too sensitive, Ethan. 你太多愁善感了,伊坦。
I was in a cafe waiting for you, ethan. 伊桑,刚才我在咖啡屋等你的时候。
Ethan: Maybe Jaroslav will go, too, and you guys can be roommates! 伊森:也许亚拉斯夫也会去,你们又可以当室友了!
Ethan: I think so, too, but didn't it rain last month? 我也这么想,但是上个月没有下雨吗?
Ethan fell in love with a beautiful young girl. 伊森爱上了一位美丽的年轻女孩。
Ethan Allen Hawley's quiet, dim, and inward day was gone. 伊坦·亚伦·郝雷那宁静、朦胧、内省的一天已经完结了。
Seduce me because ofsome deal you had with ethan? 你和ethan有交易而引诱我?