As the labels suggest, diversity training aims to combat racism, sexism, exclusion, and ethnocentrism. 顾名思义,多元化培训的目的是反对种族歧视、性别歧视、排外主义和种族中心主义。
It is also a sign of ethnocentrism. 这并且是民族优越感的标志。
With its extremely obvious duality, nationalism is interlinked with ethnocentrism, biases and exclusivism on the one hand, but on the other provides means of mobilization for opposition against oppression and injustice and for effective political construction and identity for social progress. 民族主义有着极为鲜明的两重性,既与民族本位、偏狭与排外倾向相通,又为反对压迫和不公提供动员手段,为社会进步提供有效的政治建构和认同。
In later Qing Dynasty, the roily era, China, the people with ethnocentrism failed completely in the Opium War. 晚清,这是个动荡的时代,鸦片战争的失败,一向有着民族优越感的中国战败了。
Translation is an important means of intercultural communication, during which process cultural hegemonism and ethnocentrism in intercultural communication are represented through various forms. 翻译是国际文化交流的一种重要方式,在这个文化交流过程中,民族中心主义明显表现在翻译具体操作的诸多方面。
Besides the incommensurability of different traditions, ethnocentrism often makes a dialogue between different traditions merely nominal. 此外,不可通约的文化传统以及种族中心主义常常使对话有名无实。
Recently, I was reminded of this problem of ethnocentrism. 最近,我又一次想到了民族优越感这个问题。
This research uses an improved consumer ethnocentrism scale to test the tendency of Chinese consumer ethnocentrism in the choice of hypermarket. 本研究以大卖场为刺激物,采用改进的消费者民族中心主义倾向量表,检验在零售店选择上的中国消费者民族中心主义倾向。
It's ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business. 民族优越感在国家商务中会导致失败。
Extremists in all societies are the root cause of nothing more than mistrust, animosity, hatred, and ethnocentrism. 极端主义者往往就是怀疑,憎恨,种族优越的根源。
One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism, the belief that one's own culture's way of doing things is better than the way of other cultures. 引起误解的原因之一是民族优越感,即认为自己文化中做某些事情的方式好于其他文化。
The Japanese society have formed a special national cultural mentality from the economic society of agriculture to the industry economic society, which expresses to ethnocentrism of selfishness, mental of power worship and inclination of collectivism. 日本社会从农业经济社会向工业经济社会转化过程中形成了独特的民族文化心理,其表现为以自我为中心的民族优越感、力量崇拜心理和集团主义倾向。
Historically, the paper researches on the unsuccessful communication that had great importance on nations and races of the world and the negative communication factors it caused& the psychology of a stranger, cultural stereotypes and bias, ethnocentrism. 本文考察了历史上对各民族、种族产生重大意义的失败的交际和由此衍生的不良的交际因素&陌生人心理、文化定势和偏见、民族-种族中心主义。
The article thinks that there is a trend which can be described as ethnocentrism as a cultural strategy of political orientation and identity building in the world. It could bring the clash of different cultures. 作者认为,当前世界上有一种以种族中心主义作为政治信仰和建立认同的文化战略,按照这种战略就会导致不同文化之间的冲突。
On the other hand, modern Western ethnocentrism and the exclusivity closely related to the formation and Christian culture. 另一方面,与西方近代种族中心主义的形成和基督教文化的排他性密切相关。
We can feel their ethnocentric attitudes deeply from the repeated words and sentences which are related to ethnocentrism. 我们能够在不断被提到的一些词和句子中深切感受到这种优越感的存在。
The white myth or ethnocentrism in the West is represented by the superiority of the white. 白色神话,或西方种族中心主义在西方历史上由来已久,其主要表现为白人至上的优越感。
Rorty at the same time deny the absolute truth, point that the truth is not relativism, but as ethnocentrism, that if there is no correspondence theory of Truth and faith on Truth opposition may be better. 罗蒂在否定绝对真理的同时,又将真理不看作相对主义,而是看作种族中心主义,认为如果没有把符合论的真理观和信念论的真理观对立起来,可能会更好些。
This study explored the relationships of motivation to learn English with international posture and ethnocentrism among a group of students in China using a mixed methods approach. 本论文采用混合式的研究方法调查了一群中国学生的英语学习动机和国际态度及民族优越感之间的关系。
Then, he categorized these linguistic variations and created three scales of ethnocentrism& low, moderate, high. 此后,他把这些语言变体进行分类并提出了低度、中度和重度三个等级的民族中心主义。
Given the increasing intercultural communication in this era of fast globalization, this study drew on perspectives from second language acquisition ( SLA) and intercultural communication to investigate the relations between L2 motivation and two attitudinal factors: international posture and ethnocentrism. 考虑到全球化时代条件下的跨文化交流不断增加,本研究从二语习得与跨文化交流视角考察了第二外语学习动机与两个态度变量:国际态度及民族优越感与之间的关系。
Consumers 'ethnocentrism and involvement are equally as a dimension. 消费者民族中心主义和涉入度均为一个维度。
In the model, independent variable is as image of origin, dependent variable as perception of service quality and adjusting variable as the consumers 'ethnocentrism and consumers' involvement. 模型中,自变量为原产地形象,因变量为感知服务质量,调节变量为消费者民族中心主义和消费者涉入度。
The scores of each questionnaire show their degree of ethnocentrism. 每一张问卷的分数显示他们的文化中心主义的程度。
Hybridity has a positive role in resisting cultural hegemony and the ethnocentrism as well. When translating from the weak culture to the strong one, the translator has to take into his or her consideration of the degree of hybridity. 杂合在抵制文化霸权和民族中心主义两方面都具有积极意义,在从弱势文化翻译到强势文化中时,使用杂合要考虑到它的度,极度异化以求杂合是不可取的。
They are advised to have a comprehensive understanding of other cultures as well as cultural differences, to abandon prejudice and ethnocentrism in interpreting cultural misreading, and to develop cultural tolerance. 记者和读者都应当全面把握异质文化及其差异,在解读文化误读的过程中摒弃文化偏见及民族优越感,以宽容的心态面对文化误读。
Ethnocentrism and sense of cultural superiority should be avoided to an extreme extent and cultural foreignness should be respected in all translation work. 在翻译工作中,应最大限度地消除民族和文化优越感,尊重文化中异质成分。
He believed that ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are opposite sides of the same coin. 他认为民族中心主义和文化相对主义就像同一枚硬币的两面。
Fourth, Anthropocentrism, ethnocentrism and sexism are also embodied in animal metaphors. 其四,动物隐喻中体现出明显的人类中心主义,另外,民族中心主义和性别歧视也有所反映。
The previous researches on the moral role of country of origin concentrated on two concepts, Consumer Ethnocentrism and Country Animosity. 以往关于原产地道德作用的研究主要集中于消费者民族中心主义和国家敌意两个概念。