Dictionaries are still good for obscure usages and etymologies. 字典依然擅长于不常用的用法和词源。
Yet Fei, talking to his own people, the plain people, elaborates and demonstrates his views with etymologies and quotations from the traditional poets and philosophers. 然而他引用古代诗人和哲人的语句来向他的纯朴的人民阐明自己的观点。
This dictionary does not give etymologies. 这部词典不介绍词源。
There were too many snares and snags involved "to invite general participation in the process of suggesting etymologies". 如果所有的地名都参与到寻祖寻根中来如果普通大众都参与进来的话,会遇到许多阻碍,或是走入歧途。
Because it is a recent word born of word play, and because it is so widely used, O.K.has also invited many folk etymologies. 因为它是单词游戏的新生词,又被广泛地应用,它也引发了很多的通俗变化语。
The sixth chapter of the Tang dynasty painting art that remains of ancient Chinese ladies, etymologies the female image in the Dunhuang murals, and the image of women in a comparative analysis. 本文的第六章是对唐代绘画艺术中女性形象遗迹考察,溯源中国古代仕女画中的女性形象,并与唐敦煌壁画中的女性形象作比较分析。