Far from recoiling from Oscar's presence, now they know its significance, relatives and friends of patients have been comforted and sometimes praised the cat in newspaper death notices and eulogies, said Dr Dosa. Dosa医生说,就算知道了事情的重要性,病人们的家人和朋友也并没有害怕奥斯卡的出现。奥斯卡给他们带来了安慰,有时他们还会在报上的讣告和悼词中表扬它。
At a rally of hundreds of military and political leaders at an indoor auditorium in Pyongyang, senior figures delivered eulogies to the elder Mr. Kim and issued calls to rally behind his son. 在数千名军政高官参加在平壤一个大礼堂举行的纪念活动中,高级官员对金正日致悼词,并宣誓效忠他的儿子。
In his memoirs, he goes to great lengths to offer his take on many of the hottest filmmakers of our era, which is taboo unless it is padded with ingratiating eulogies. 冯小刚就能将自身影响力发挥到极致。在他的回忆录中,他评论了很多我们这个时代当红的电影制作人,除非满是逢迎谄媚的赞美词,一般这种做法是触犯禁忌的。
These are, however, very common funeral orations, and eulogies on deceased persons who have acted among mankind with some figure and reputation. 然而,不少已故之人却也只能得到这样的悼词和赞语,尽管他们在社会上也曾经出头露面,声闻遐迩。
When she died last year at the age of84, people from all walks of life were swift and generous in their eulogies. 去年她与世长辞,享年84岁,各界人士纷纷赶往悼念,表示敬意。
Eulogies for the company by its customers, some of them aired via Twitter, have been tinged with resentment caused by years of poor service and quality problems. 英国锰铜的一些客户为它发出了“悼词”,很多出现在twitter上,赞誉中也夹杂着些许怨怒,源自其多年来的糟糕服务和质量问题。
The antitheses of funeral eulogies were relatively laggardly, and furthermore the number of the funeral eulogies was quite small in the Six Dynasties. 诔文在六朝时期的骈化进程是比较缓慢的,而且数量也不多。
"Do you know," said franz," I have a very great inclination to judge for myself of the truth or exaggeration of your eulogies." “你知道吗,”弗兰兹说,“你这一篇赞美词是否真实或夸大,我倒极想自己来下个判断。”
"Moreover it surpassed other books in its voluminous accounts of benevolent princes, good ministers, kind fathers and filial sons, and all matters pertaining to proper human relations, as well as eulogies of virtuous deeds." “及至君仁臣良父慈子孝,凡伦常所关之处,皆是称功颂德,眷眷无穷,实非别书之可比。”
Her latest film has brought eulogies from the critics. 她最近的这部电影获得影评界的好评。
There are the Records of the Philosophical Societies, and the public Eulogies of Great Men! 有的是哲学学会的记录,对于伟人公开的赞美文章!
Eulogies, National Day orations, speeches of condemnation, farewell addresses, etc are instances of epideictic discourse. 悼词,国庆演说辞,谴责词,告别演说等都是富于词藻的演说。
We should write eulogies of Wen Yi-to and Chu Tse-ching who demonstrated the heroic spirit of our nation. 我们应当写闻一多颂,写朱自清颂,他们表现了我们民族的英雄气概。
We have all had a chance to learn a little bit about each of those who died – through stories in the media and the eulogies given in their memory. 我们有机会从每一位逝者的身上学到些什么&从媒体讲述的故事中以及他们的追思颂词里。
The Islet presents to the visitors the creams of both oriental and occidental cultures, and the Island of Pianos and Music Town are only two of its many eulogies for charm and romance. 鼓浪屿中西文化交汇,人才辈出。“钢琴之岛”、“音乐之乡”的美誉使鼓浪屿更具魅力和浪漫。
Liang Chen-yu created a women's world. His eulogies, sympathy and praise reflected his intense female consciousness. 梁辰鱼作品中所建构的女性世界丰富多彩,对女性或歌颂其功业或同情其遭遇或赞扬其才艺,表现出梁氏强烈的女性意识和对女性人生价值取向的认可。
It asserts the so-called "epics" to be the eulogies on the paintings ( rein) used in the sacrificial rites. 本文对《诗·大雅》中若干篇章作了重新解释,认为所谓史诗一类的作品实际上是祭祀时的图赞诗。