Millions of words have been written about the introduction of the euro 有关采用欧元的文章已经有很多。
Governments and businesses will start keeping accounts in euros. 政府和企业将开始用欧元记账。
Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p. 欧洲迪斯尼的股票价格迅速上涨了17便士。
They live in fantasy worlds which make Euro Disney seem uninventive 他们生活在幻想的世界里,相形之下连欧洲迪士尼乐园都显得毫无创意。
He claimed Tony Blair is trying to get us into the euro by stealth 他声称托尼·布莱尔正试图神不知鬼不觉地让我们加入欧元体系。
And then, as the euro crisis hit, the yield on Treasurys plunged. 接下来,随着欧元危机的打击,国库券收益率陷入逆境。
The euro has played a significant part in this. 欧元在这其中扮演了重要角色。
Investor flight from Greece, Ireland and Portugal has the makings of an existential problem for the euro zone. 投资者逃离希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙,导致了欧元区现有的一个问题。
Last week, the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development lowered its growth estimates for the euro area. 上周,位于巴黎的经济合作与发展组织降低了对欧元区经济增长的估计。
Lately, though, the dollar has risen, especially against the Japanese yen and the euro. 尽管最近美元对日元和欧元的汇率有所上升。
The SDR is denominated as a basket of four currencies, the dollar, euro, pound and yen. 特别提款权被称作由美元、欧元、英镑和日元四种货币构成的货币篮子。
Experience with the euro has clarified many issues relating to currency unions. 欧元的经验阐明了许多与货币联盟有关的问题。
Fiscal and financial union are at best half-completed, and the political threat to the euro continues to grow. 财政和金融联盟最多只完成了一半,而欧元面对的政治威胁还在持续增加。
A falling euro and cheap oil have even prompted economic stirrings. 欧元贬值和廉价的石油甚至促进了经济活动。
That group comprises the dollar, the euro, the yen and sterling. 这个货币篮子由美元、欧元、日元和英镑四种货币组成。
Others are convinced that Germany and other eurozone countries would not allow Greece to drop out of the euro. 其他人则相信,德国和其他欧盟国家不会让希腊离开欧元区。
The weakening yen and euro provided an additional lure to Chinese shoppers. 日元和欧元的疲软对于中国购物者来说是一种额外的诱惑。
And the political upheaval in Greece is prompting talk about the stability of the 19-country euro currency union. 此外,希腊的政治动荡也引发了对有19个成员国的欧元区的稳定性的讨论。
A continent is a part of my name, and my currency is the euro. 我名字的一部分是一个州,我的货币是欧元。
But the dollar, euro and yen have become an imperfect exchange rate bloc. 但美元、欧元和日元不再是完美的外汇组合。
When the eurozone rescues Ireland and Portugal, expect a small Euro bounce. 当欧元区营救爱尔兰和葡萄牙时,欧元有望出现小幅反弹。
Germany's highest court rejected claims that measures to rescue the euro breached the country's constitution. 德国最高法庭驳回了关于抢救被欧元破坏的国家宪法的索赔。
The IMF holds SDRs, underpinned by dollar, euro, yen and pound, as its reserve currency. IMF将美元、欧元、日元和英镑支持的SDR作为储备货币。
If we created the euro, we cannot let a country fall that is in the eurozone. 我们创建了欧元,就不能听任欧元区内任何一个国家崩溃。
But now they do ask that question of the euro. 但现在人们对欧元提出了这个问题。
A Greek exit would trigger a hit to confidence in other sovereign euro assets. 希腊退出将打击市场对其他欧元主权资产的信心。
Such a move would be likely to boost exports and growth in the euro area. 这或许会提振欧元区的出口和经济增长。
Save the euro and the European Union. 拯救欧元和欧盟(EU)。
Italy and Spain, however, are hostage to the euro a currency they cannot control. 然而,意大利和西班牙被欧元这个它们无法控制的货币挟持着。