Meanwhile, there is no guarantee that the new Eurobonds would attract enough investors to fund the buybacks. 与此同时,谁也不敢保证新的欧元债券就能吸引到足够多的投资者来为赎回注资。
After that, there can be talk of issuing "Eurobonds" and wealth transfers within the zone. 在此基础上,才可以探讨发行“欧元债券”和在欧元区内进行财富转移。
Such a scenario seems unfair to the Germans, which have repeatedly blocked any talk of issuing Eurobonds. 这种局面对德国人来说有失公平,所以他们始终拒绝有关发行欧洲债券的任何对话。
One of those structures would see member states issuing both Eurobonds and sovereign bonds at the same time. 其中一种结构是成员国同时发行欧洲债券和主权债券。
Germany and France have opposed Eurobonds. 德国和法国一直反对欧元债券。
That would demand stronger forms of fiscal solidarity, probably eurobonds. 这就需要建立更牢固形式的财政团结,那很可能是欧元区共同债券。
The new Eurobonds could be serviced by revenues from such co-finance of projects. 新欧元债券的利息可以用这类联合融资项目的收入来支付。
That means strengthening the eurozone, probably by wider use of Eurobonds and a eurozone deposit insurance scheme. 这意味着要增强欧元区的实力,或许是通过扩大欧元债券的使用范围,并建立一个覆盖整个欧元区的存款保险机制。
Her own very public opposition to Eurobonds has now become a real obstacle to a deal. 默克尔公开反对共同债券目前已经成为欧元区达成协议的切实障碍。
Underwriting the debt by issuing Eurobonds would end the panic in financial markets. 通过发行欧元债券来包销这些债务,可以打消金融市场的恐慌。
If there are eurobonds coupled with a much more liberal European Central Bank, then yes. 如果与欧元债券相伴的,是一个更加自由化的欧洲央行(ECB),那么我会。
This process might be reversed if the Germans were to commit to a full fiscal union with eurobonds, bank deposit insurance for the eurozone, and unlimited fiscal transfers to the periphery. 在以下情况下,上述过程有可能被逆转:德国承诺建设完整的财政同盟,发行欧元债券,在欧元区实行银行存款保险制度,向边缘国家进行无限制的财政转移。
Presumably the eurobonds would be under eurozone finance ministers 'control. 欧元债券大概会由欧元区各国财政部长来管理。
Most analysts reckon that, to survive, the euro will have to be backed by a much bigger European federal budget, common debt ( Eurobonds) and a more powerful central government. 大多数分析师认为,欧元要想生存下去,必须得到以下支持:规模远超现在的欧洲联邦预算、共同债务(即发行欧元共同债券)以及更强有力的中央政府。
The euro will require a full redesign through new treaties, with Eurobonds and possibly much else besides. 欧盟内部需要进行重新的全面设计,不论是通过对欧盟条约的修改,还是发行欧元债券或者其他的什么措施。
Money for rescues is being raised with joint guarantees, yet Germany will not accept common Eurobonds. 援助的资金正通过共同担保的形式来募集,但是德国将不会接受共同的欧元债券。
Some analysts, investors, and European politicians think eurobonds would be the best way to restore faith in European debt and calm volatile markets. 一些分析师、投资者和欧洲政治家认为,欧元债券是恢复人们对欧洲债券的信心和安抚动荡的市场的最好方式。
The formal answer is that since Eurobonds require joint and several guarantees, they are politically unfeasible. 官方的回答是,由于欧元债券要求各国共同提供多项担保,因此在政治上是不可行的。
Eurobonds remain a vague and controversial notion. 欧元区共同债券依然是一个模糊且饱受争议的概念。
It could be a long-term project, but you cannot have eurobonds and at the same time national economic and budgetary policies. 这可能是一个长期项目,但你不能既发行欧元债券,又各自实行经济和预算政策。
In the same way, the EU need not do so to issue Eurobonds. 同样,欧盟也无须为了发行欧元债券这么做。
Bailly said Wednesday that eurobonds are an interesting idea but are not on the agenda right now. 贝利星期三表示,欧元债券是个很有意思的建议,但目前不在议事日程上。
So if neither Eurobonds nor ECB bond purchases are going to solve the crisis, what are the alternatives? 那么,如果欧元区债券和欧洲央行国债购买计划都解决不了这场危机,有什么其他办法吗?
Eurobonds would require a much more determined integration of budgetary policy, one said. 其中一人表示,发行欧元债券将要求更加坚决的预算政策一体化。
That would be the prelude to the establishment of a full political union and the introduction of Eurobonds. 这将成为建立全面政治联盟和推出欧元区共同债券的序曲。
Similarly, Germany could agree to introduce Eurobonds, but only for countries that meet exacting criteria. 同样,德国可能会同意引进欧洲债券,但只有符合严格标准的国家。
The Germans are also right to resist Eurobonds. 德国抗拒欧元区共同债券也情有可原。
Long-term Eurocurrency funds can also be raised by an issue of Eurobonds on the Eurobond market. 长期欧洲货币资金也可通过在欧洲债券市场发行欧洲债券来筹集。