We expect Eurocrats to rhetorically smooth over the deposit levy and signal that Cyprus is a unique and extreme case given the inner workings of its corrupt banking system. 我们预计欧盟官员将通过讲话来平息存款税激起的波澜,他们还会传递出这样的信号,那就是,鉴于银行体系内部的腐败行为,塞浦路斯的情况既特殊,又极端。
Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, welcomed the findings, joking: I am delighted that the Eurocrats have failed to crush national stereotyping, which is what makes Europe a great continent. 英国独立党领导人奈吉尔法拉奇(NigelFarage)高兴地接受了这些调查结果,并调侃道:我很高兴看到欧共体并没有瓦解欧洲各国给人留下的刻板印象,毕竟正是这些造就了一个个伟大的民族。
But their divisions are out in the open, investors have access to almost the same information that they do and the market appears to have decided, rightly or wrongly, that the Eurocrats will eventually sort out their problem. 但他们的分歧是公开的,投资者能够获知的信息几乎跟他们本人一样多;而市场似乎已经认定(无论这种看法是对是错),欧盟官员们最终会厘清问题。
This is a stronger, more vigorous Europe than the one Eurocrats craft, often painfully, every day in Brussels. And this is a Europe that will endure, come what may. 与欧盟官员每天在布鲁塞尔往往是痛苦地所塑造的欧洲相比,这个欧洲更加强大、更具活力。而且不论发生什么,它都将继续存在。
Indeed, from a liberal point of view, the freshly kicked Eurocrats might be less inclined to impose yet more unwanted bureaucracy on a continent already mired in red tape. 的确,退一步看,欧共体的官员们虽刚受打击,但还不至于向本就官僚化的欧洲大陆强加上更多毫无必要的官僚政策。
The foreign secretary says he wants Britain to beef up its presence in Brussels, warning that there is a missing generation of British Eurocrats operating within the key institutions of the EU. 这位外交大臣表示,他希望英国加强在布鲁塞尔的影响力。他警告说,在欧盟关键机构内部缺失了一代主持日常工作的英国籍欧洲官员。
The Eurocrats deluded themselves in particular about the nature of Greece, which has not thrown off its Ottoman legacy and where government is regarded as a source of favours rather than a provider of taxpayer-financed services. 欧盟官僚们尤其在希腊问题的本质上自欺欺人。希腊仍未摆脱奥斯曼的影响&政府被视为恩惠之源,而不是纳税人资助的服务提供者。
As Eurocrats tell it, most countries accept the thrust of these ideas. 根据欧盟官员的说法,大多数国家承认这些方案有推动力。
To judge from some banners, they may have a new category of enemy: Eurocrats. 从一些打出的标语来看,他们又有了新的一群敌人&欧盟官员。
Strangely enough, I now feel a certain protective warmth towards the embattled eurocrats in their Brussels skyscrapers. 令人倍感奇怪的是,我现在对布鲁塞尔摩天大楼里那些四面楚歌的欧盟官僚们怀有一定的关切之情。
Eurocrats take note: recent summit debate on issuing eurobonds lacked credibility because new Europe-wide taxes were not proposed to cover the interest payments. 请欧盟官僚们注意:最近的峰会有关发行欧元区共同债券的辩论缺乏可信度,因为各方没有提议在欧洲范围内开征新税来支付利息。
Eurocrats argue that monitoring of imbalances and scrutiny by a new EU financial regulator could have spotted their problems sooner. 欧盟官员表示,如果实行新的欧盟财政监管者对预算失衡的监控和审查制度的话,就能更早发现两国的问题了。
Eurocrats respond that there are several countries that still want to join the union. 欧盟官员的回应是:仍然有几个国家希望加入欧盟。
But as time went on, the EU, as it became, acquired more and more ambitions and a whole cadre of Eurocrats developed, concerned with increasing EU power and influence for its own sake. 但随着时间推移,欧盟变得野心膨胀,涌现出了一批欧共体官员,他们关心的是如何增强欧盟自身的权力和影响。
Even now, after decades of "European construction", many Eurocrats cannot conceive of the euro as a wreck. 就算到现在,经过几十年的欧洲建设,许多的欧盟的官员们依然不愿意把欧盟视作一堆残骸。