Every year the EFC of Sydney participates in the Spring Festival StreetFair doing street evangelism and various evangelistic works in the local community. 雪梨台福基督教会每年都会举办春节园游会、街头布道、社区传福音活动等福音事工。
The testimonies of ex-television addicts often have the evangelistic overtones of stories heard at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. 据以前的电视瘾君子的讲述,经常有一些在酒鬼的匿名会上听到的福音传道者的暗示。
They conducted five-day evangelistic missions around britain. 他们在英国各地进行了为期五天的福音传道活动。
Let us remember all the cross-cultural evangelistic efforts and the safety of workers and believers in Central Asia. 让我们记念所有肢体们投入跨文化宣教的努力和劳苦,也求主看顾保守同工们出入的平安。
The China Church should bear witness only to the truth and avoid promoting pastoral and evangelistic works that take the form of political slogans. 不过他指出,不幸的是,教会的牧灵与福传在中国大陆已被带上强烈政治色彩,因此我们应强调教会「发展不是硬道理,为真理作证才是!」
School Evangelistic Events will be held in July& July, please remember us in your prayer. 六月至七月共有十二场学校布道会,求主记念同工们在台上的配搭。
The Evangelistic Bands and Hunan Bible Institute ultimately made the China Inland Mission to be one of the headquarters of Christian conservatism. 逐家布道团的成立和湖南圣经学院的开办最终使得内地会成为中国基督教保守主义的大本营之一。