At the same time, customers have become more active ( and powerful) contributors, collaborators, critics, and evangelists. 同时,消费者也变成了更为活跃(而且更加强大)的贡献者、合作者、批评者和布道者。
Now, a new wave of bicycle evangelists and, increasingly, pragmatic municipal governments are trying to push those numbers even higher. 如今,最新涌现出的一批自行车倡导者,以及越来越多更加务实的城市政府,希望进一步掀起自行车普及的浪潮。
But SOA evangelists and adopters need to keep a watchful eye when applying SOA because the reality of adopting SOA is that it's not always smooth sailing or completely free from problems. 但SOA倡导者和采用者在应用SOA时需要保持警惕,因为采用SOA的过程并不总是一帆风顺或完全不出问题。
This core group becomes the organization's social networking evangelists and encourages the adoption of the tools among those with whom they work. 这个核心团队将成为企业社会网络的推广者并鼓励同事使用这些工具。
This axiom seems to be completely missing, or at least grossly underemphasized, by the process evangelists and literature, but it is usually very observable in successful software projects. 这个公理在过程里似乎完全被忽略了,或者至少是不受重视的,但是它在成功的软件项目中通常是非常引人注目的。
A place called Laeken is Belgium had a training school for evangelists, which he failed to get into, of course. 比利时一个叫做拉肯的地方有一所传教士培训学校,他当然也未能进入。
The barriers facing start-up evangelists in Europe such as Mr Klein are formidable. 像克莱因这样的欧洲初创企业专家面临着巨大障碍。
With that said, I don't recommend financially rewarding your evangelists, monetary compensation changes the dynamics of true evangelism. 我已说过,我不推荐给传道士们财务报酬,货币报酬会改变真正传道的动力。
A new buzzword that I hear more and more these days, particularly from Microsoft evangelists, is "differentiated user experience" or "differentiated UI". 现在我听到越来越多的一个流行语是“差异化的用户体验”或者“差异化的用户界面”,特别是从微软的布道者那里。
So, I disagree with the SOA evangelists who say EDA is merely a subset ( child) of SOA. 所以,我不认同那些努力传播SOA的同学们所说的“EDA只是SOA的一个子集”的论断。
The high-tech evangelists point out that offline specialists are also biased and can be prone to errors. 高科技信奉者指出,传统专家也会有失公允,也可能会犯错。
Bop Ta, one of South Korea's leading abbots, disapproved of such evangelists, who sometimes send North Korean converts back home to risk death as missionaries, depicted in state propaganda as child killers. 作为韩国著名高僧之一,BopTa不赞成这种福音传播者。这帮人有时会把朝鲜信徒送回国,让他们冒着生命危险传教,在政府的宣传材料中,传教士被刻画成儿童杀手。
There is a great difference in the teaching of the three first Evangelists and that of John. 前三本福音书里的教训和约翰福音有极大的不同。
The first three Evangelists spoke of redemption as a pardon of sin, or Justification, John spoke of it as a Life which Christ is to live in us, or Regeneration. 前三卷福音书讲到罪得赦免的救赎恩典,约翰则着重于耶稣活在我们里面的新生命。
It might have been the early Christian evangelists who borrowed these expressions from the Buddhism and the Daoism. 可能早期的传教士就借用了佛教和道教的天堂地狱的名词来表达。
She's been fielding requests from backpacker groups eager to travel the country and Christian evangelists eager to speak to large crowds of football fans. 有背包客团体希望巡游南非、基督教布道者想对球迷人群演讲,她一直在处理他们的请求。
The fact that the majority of Chinese are agnostics has always been an affront to American Protestant evangelists. 大多数中国人不相信上帝存在,这一直令美国的新教传道者深受冒犯。
The model was developed in conjunction with Microsoft product teams, technical evangelists, and our customers, and is based on our global best practices. 该模型是微软产品团队、技术布道者和我们的客户共同努力的结晶,是以我们的全球最佳实践为基础的。
First, watch for opportunities, be willing to compete with the status quo, and build products that people will fall in love with and then become your unpaid evangelists. 第一,关注机会,愿意和现有体制竞争,制造人们会喜欢的然后变成你的义务传道士的产品。
Ultimately, as long as both economists and evangelists aim to help the poor attain a better life on earth, differences in opinion about the life hereafter do not matter much. 只要经济学家和虔诚的教士帮助穷人过上好日子的目标一致,那么,世界观、人生观上存在分歧又有什么关系呢?
Can we localize the property or garden mentioned by the evangelists as situated beyond Kidron in the direction of the Mount of Olives? 我们若走往橄榄山的方向,在克德隆后面能不能找到福音作者所提到的那块地或庄园?
Brands know that word of mouth is the best way to generate interest and the image conscious brands should seek out those social shoppers who can be their best brand evangelists, says Gould. 各个品牌都知道,口口相传是让人产生兴趣的最佳途径,有形象意识的品牌应该挑出那些可以成为最佳品牌宣传的社交购物者,古尔德表示。
Pray for God to shine through Chinas evangelists, especially the many who are poor women. 愿中国的传道人,特别是众多贫苦的女传道人,将上帝的光照在人前。
The white colonizers go to the "other" world to bring civilization there in the name of benign God. However, these evangelists actually are brutal exploiters and oppressors, who turn those virgin lands into a hell of human existence. 白人殖民者以上帝的名义奔赴遥远的他者世界,要给那里带去文明的曙光,而在殖民地上,这些上帝福音的传播者其实是残暴的剥削者和压迫者,他们将那里变成了人间地狱。
Both sober and confused evangelists began to "left" turn, accept the ideological transformation, taking class struggle road. 既清醒又困惑的传道者开始向左转,接受思想改造,走阶级斗争道路。