Friday morning at JP Morgan Chase ( JPM) headquarters, she dined between CEO Jamie Dimon and her parents, and then evangelized about empowerment to executive women. 上周五早晨,桑德伯格携父母在摩根大通(JPMorganChase)总部与公司CEO杰米•戴蒙共进早餐,并就如何激励和授权女性高管进行了宣讲。
This approach has been evangelized by IBM for many years. 此方法已经被IBM推广了很多年。
First, the establishment of a contracted and conservative Eastern Christianity which was centered in Constantinople but which largely evangelized the Slavs. 首先,是一个收缩了的和保守的东正教的建立,它以君士坦丁堡为中心,但是主要向斯拉夫人传授福音。
Yemen – Yemen is one of the least evangelized countries in the world. 伯大尼门门&门是全球最少接触福音的国家之一。
For us, this is a fantastic step forward, this is a technology that needs to be evangelized and we would like to see a lot more effort from the vendors. 对我们来说,这是一个极大的进步,这是需要被传播的技术,我们也愿意看到更多的来自厂商的努力。
Its probably one of the most aggressively evangelized languages since Java first came on the scene. 它可能是最具侵略性的语言之一,因为Java才是第一个到场的。
The missionaries evangelized the Pacific Islanders. 传教士使太平洋岛上的居民信仰基督教。