Crabtree& Evelyn has just launched a new jam, Worcesterberry Preserve 瑰珀翠刚推出一款新果酱——伍斯特浆果果酱。
Evelyn's excellent organisational skills were soon spotted by her employers 伊夫琳出色的组织能力很快就被老板发现。
She outpaced the former Olympic champion Evelyn Ashford. 她超过了前奥运冠军伊芙琳·阿什福德。
Evelyn's career is accelerating, and mine is plateauing out a bit 伊夫琳的职业生涯蒸蒸日上,而我的则停滞不前。
After a bit of brainstorming, Evelyn came up with several great titles for her book. 伊夫琳左思右想了一阵之后,非常终为她的书想出了几个好名字。
It was only a few months prior that she had discovered her husband's mistress, Evelyn Knight, after which Marie had demanded a divorce from Mel. 仅仅在几个月前,她发现了他丈夫的情妇伊芙琳奈特,之后她就要求与梅尔离婚。
That was Evelyn Lauder, as de Rothschild says. 罗斯柴尔德说:这就是伊芙琳兰黛。
What does Evelyn Martin have to do with this? 伊芙琳马丁和这些有什么关系?
I'm being confined to a psychiatric ward, evelyn. 我将要被软禁在一个精神病房里,伊芙琳。
Wayne just told me that Evelyn martin. 韦恩刚刚告诉我伊芙琳马丁。
We're you and Evelyn dating? 你和伊芙林约会过?
Evelyn Mulwray: She's my sister AND my daughter! 伊芙林·穆瑞:她是我的妹妹,也是我的女儿!
Evelyn: I think it is a bit late for that. 伊芙琳:我想是有一点迟了。
Evelyn, your daddy's here to see you. 艾芙琳,你父亲来看你。
He's the president of the United states, evelyn. 他是美利坚的总统,伊芙琳。
Evelyn Mercer was our mother. 艾芙琳玛西尔是我们的母亲。
Evelyn, you take the boys home. I'll go find your mother. 艾芙琳,你带弟弟回家,我去找你母亲。
Oh, look. evelyn's here and her giant, joey. 哦,瞧啊,艾芙莲和她的大力士在这,乔伊。
I know it must be a frightening experience for you, evelyn. 艾芙琳,我知道那对你是个很可怕的经验。
If I had one, evelyn, whom do you think? 如果我是,艾芙琳,你认为是谁呢?
Evelyn, let us hear your prayer, please. 艾芙琳,请让我们听听你祷告的内容。
Her name's Evelyn martin. 她全名叫做伊芙琳马丁。
Evelyn bought a gift for her father because she loves him. 伊夫琳给她爸爸买了礼物,因为她爱爸爸。
Evelyn and Ben are walking home together. 伊夫琳和本一起走回家。
Evelyn's gone to be with joel. 伊弗林和约尔一起走了。
Evelyn leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. 伊夫琳俯过身来在他的面颊上吻了一下。
Evelyn, did you get a chance to speak to my husband? 伊芙琳,你和我丈夫说过话了吗?
Evelyn, I have the record of your correspondence. 伊芙琳,我有你们通信往来的记录。
Evelyn: Did you know hippos sometimes kill people? 伊夫琳:你知道河马有时会杀人吗?