马术比赛,马术三日赛(包括越野赛、超越障碍赛和花式骑术) the sport of taking part in competitions riding horses. These are often held over three days and include riding across country, jumping and dressage .
Users can configure two or more widgets to exchange data using the eventing system described in the first item in this list. 用户可以配置两个以上的小部件,并使用刚才提到的事件系统在它们之间交换数据。
An eventing system allowing the widgets to communicate with each other on the page by publishing and catching events. 事件系统通过发布和捕获事件允许页面上的小部件相互通信。
This year is my year to qualify for the Olympics. Last Olympics, 2008 in Beijing, was my home Olympics. 2012 in London is eventing's home Olympics. 今年一整年我都在争取奥运参赛资格,2008北京奥运会,我主场作战,2012年你们要为我加油。
NET eventing semantics and the subscriber is called. NET事件语义来引发事件并且调用订阅者。
Two of the key features we are working on adding for our next release are support for eventing ( pub/ sub interactions) and Spring. 我们正在做的并将在下一个版本中发布的两个关键特性是对消息传输(发布/订阅模式)及Spring的支持。
These enable new scenarios for Applications hosted on Windows Azure such as asynchronous Cloud Eventing, Event-Driven SOA, Load leveling/ balancing and more. 新特性为部署在WindowsAzure平台上的应用提供了异步云事件、事件驱动面向服务体系结构(SOA)以及负载均衡等特性。
Asynchronous Cloud Eventing – Distribute event notifications to occasionally connected clients ( for example, phones, remote workers, kiosks, and so on) 异步的云事件处理&对偶尔连接的客户端(例如电话、远程工作站、终端等)分发事件通知。
Examples include a Pub/ Sub and Eventing model for the Assembly specification. 例子包括,用于装配规范的发布/订阅和事件模型。