His evilness gave way to his conscience. 他的邪恶给他的良心让了路。
H: Tell me more of your diabolical scheme, so that I can swoon at your manly evilness. 再多告诉我一些你那些恶魔般的阴谋,让我陶醉在你那男性的邪恶魅力中吧。
"You have to embrace the totality of his evilness. He's like the devil."& Ralph Fiennes on playing Voldemort. 必须全身心拥抱他的邪恶,这人就是一恶魔啊。
Since he has no passions and desires in his mind, the worldly rightness and wrong, good and badness, kindness and evilness can no longer bind him anymore. 因为他不具人的七情六欲,所以世俗的对、错、好、坏、善、恶等都对他不具约束力。
Not moving is quiet, not dying is living, not evilness is good, not artificial is true. 不动才是静,不死才是生,不恶才是善,不假才是真。
Thank you, but I found your evilness is extremely annoying. 谢谢哦,不过我觉得你坏得灰常讨厌。
It is as if it were necessary, before a reign of justice appears, for everyone to suffer a cruel retribution& some for their evilness, and some for their lack of understanding. 在正义的统治出现之前,人人遭受残酷的报复&一些是因为他们的罪劣,一些是因为他的无知,这似乎是必要的!
My vote is that we devote equal attention to the public sector apparatus as to the evilness of business. 我的建议是,对于公共部门机构和企业的罪恶,我们应给予同等关注。
When the tricks were innovated, people's discretion of goodness and evilness, the true and the false were weakened. 当狡猾、欺诈、蒙骗的手法翻新后,百姓对辨识真伪、善恶的能力就减弱矣。
Humanism stands out as the pillar of the massive mansion of "ideal hometown". Conclusively to say, Ezra Pound, who is an unyielding fighter against evilness and unfairness, still deserves to be a great modern poet. 总而言之,作为一位不屈不挠的反对邪恶与不公,追求和平与美好的斗士,虽然也犯下过严重的错误,艾兹拉·庞德仍然称得上是一位抱有宏伟社会理想的伟大诗人。
Contrast between Kindness and Evilness 善与恶的对比&对《双城记》中善与恶的分析
Lord of the Flies is a masterpiece condemning the evilness of humanity. 《蝇王》是一部批判人性恶的力作。
Goodness and Evilness in Humanity and State Ruling 人性善恶与国家统治
In addition, the proposition that law base on evilness of human nature is called into question and rationality is the key foundation of law is raised in the paper. 同时对传统的人性恶是法律基础的命题提出疑问并指明作为法律的社会基础的人性着重在于人的理性层面。
The special operation rule of market economy leads humanity towards "evilness", which makes rule by law become necessity of the modern society. 市场经济特殊的运行规则导致人性趋恶,这使得现代社会法治成为必须。
Through the discussion on human natures like kindness, evilness, rationality, and irrationality, one aspect of the very important social foundations of law upon which law and its implementation base is revealed and what values the human nature contributes to law are discovered. 通过对人性善、恶,理性、非理性的探讨,揭示法律的社会基础中一个非常重要的方面,即作为法律产生和运行的基础,人性在法律上有着怎样的价值。
Through the psychological analysis of Pharmacist Huang's "evilness", we can see clearly that his thought and behaviour of" evilness "come from his distinctive personality. 通过对黄药师的心理分析,我们清晰地看到,他一切邪的思想和行为,都是由其人格中本我的张显造成的。
And it made a conclusion about the different views on the extinction of the "evilness" from the east and west. 得出了东西方对“恶”的消亡存在不同看法的结论。
To create a world of duality is to vividly embody the conflicts between beauty and ugliness, between kindness and evilness, and between love and desire in a special format. 王尔德创造的对立的二元世界,其实不过是将生活中的美与丑、善与恶、爱与欲的冲突通过这种特殊的形式更鲜明、更集中地彰显出来。
The fire in Darkness Visible also has the symbolic characteristics of goodness and evilness. It can symbolize destruction and the darkness of human hearts; and it also symbolize reconstruction and redemption. 《黑暗昭昭》中的火同样具有善恶的象征属性,它既象征毁灭和人心的黑暗,又象征着重生和救赎。
Insisting on the aesthetic view point of "taking evilness for beauty", Baudelaire pointed out that there was beauty in ugliness and evilness meant beauty. 波德莱尔坚持以恶为美的审美观点,坚持丑中有美,恶就是美。