We are evolutionarily primed so that whenever somebody sizable walks in the room, everyone in the room glances, because millions of years ago the biggest person was either going to be a protection or a threat. 每当一个大个子进屋时,他会引起每一个人的关注,因为几百万年以前,块头最大的人要么是保护者要么是威胁者。
Some of these are evolutionarily related and form gene families that express related proteins. 其中一些进化过程相关联而形成“基因家族”表达相关蛋白。
Evolutionarily, scientists believe, children should be healthier if their parents 'MHC genes vary, because the offspring will be protected from more pathogens. 科学家认为,从进化的角度来看,如果父母的MHC基因存在差异,那么他们的后代就能免受更多病原体的侵害,从而更为健康。
Biologically analagous are so-called evolutionarily conserved genes, which are used in a great many functions, but these have hardly changed at all. 生物方面的类似性是所谓的进化保持基因,其应用于大量功能中,但委实难以改变。
Under the hypothesis of bounded rationality, using the replicator dynamics model, this paper analyzed the evolutionarily stable strategy of knowledge-type staff. 在有限理性假设下,运用进化博弈论的模仿者动态模型,分析了组织内隐性知识共享过程中,知识型员工的进化稳定战略。
The evolutionarily later always subsumes and includes the evolutionarily earlier. Can you go in the locker room before and after games. 在进化史上,先来者总是被归入后来者中。在赛前或者赛后你是否能进入球员休息室?
Evolutionarily Increased Nitrogen Allocation to Photosynthesis Facilitates Successful Invasion in an Alien Plant Species 增加叶氮向光合机构分配的进化促进外来植物入侵
Under the right conditions, that process can produce an RNA molecule that's evolutionarily "fit" for a task like treating the biological cause of macular degeneration. 在合适的条件下,该过程可以产生一种RNA分子,该分子可进化到足以完成诸如治疗黄斑变性的生物学病因等任务。
They were fusions which are evolutionarily programmed for. 它们是进化上已安排好的融合现象。
Evolutionarily speaking the guy who is positive, and also has a positive outlook is more likely to be successful. 从进化论上来说,如果一个人心态积极,而且外表也更阳光,那么他获得成功的机会就大很多。
A new study of competition among women suggests that they are "bitchy" towards each other because they are evolutionarily programme to be that way. 一项有关女性竞争的最新研究表明,女性对彼此之间“恶毒”是进化使然。
Chabris says the real danger isn't in this questionable marketing, but in parents shirking roles they are evolutionarily meant to serve. 查伯里斯说,真正的危险不在于这种令人置疑的营销活动,而在于父母亲逃避天职。
The last point is crucial to the theory of evolutionarily stable strategies. 平均得益是否相同,这点对于确定进化稳定策略理论至关重要。
Through sequence gathering, evolution matrix construction, and evolutionarily related analysis, we come to understand the co-evolving relation between different genes in the pathway. 通过序列收集,进化距离矩阵构建以及进化相关性分析,我们得到了该途径中不同基因间的共进化关系。
And so you've got this tension between what might be evolutionarily wired impulses and the kind of social constraints that say this isn't good, this isn't appropriate, this is taboo. 因此,两者之间有冲突,一方面,从进化论角度来看,你有这样的冲动,但是从社会建构的立场看,这不合适,是社会禁忌。
Co-evolutionary multi-agent systems employ co-evolutionary combining with evolutionarily stable genetic algorithms to solve the multi-agent learning problem. 协同进化与进化稳定遗传算法相结合,并应用于多代理系统形成协同进化多代理系统。
The aci-reductone dioxygenase ( ARD) family is evolutionarily conserved from bacteria to plants and animals. 顺式还原酮加双氧酶(ARD)家族参与甲硫氨酸循环,并普遍存在于从微生物到动植物的各种生物体中。
This evolutionarily conserved hormone is produced locally and functions as an important mediator of immunity and inflammation. 这种进化保守的激素是免疫和炎症反应的一个重要介体。
Mathematical models of evolutionarily stable strategy 进化上的稳定策略之数学模型研究
The diversities between actinopterygians and the teleosts and other higher vertebrates are evolutionarily significant. 有关辐鳍亚纲的鱼、硬骨鱼及其他高等脊椎动物之间差异的研究,在进化上有着十分重要的意义。
An improved genetic algorithm based on the evolutionarily stable strategy is proposed to avoid the problem of local optimum. 为了解决传统遗传算法易陷入局部最优解的问题,在借鉴生物学中进化稳定策略的基础上,对传统的遗传算法进行了改进,提出了基于进化稳定策略的遗传算法。
BRG1 ( brahma-related gene 1) is a component of the evolutionarily conserved SWI/ SNF chromatin-remodeling complex. BRG1(brahma-relatedGene1)是进化上高度保守的SWI/SNF染色质重塑复合物的成员之一。
The Notch receptor is an evolutionarily conserved single-span transmembrane protein family and plays key roles in a wide variety of cell fate decisions during development of both invertebrate and vertebrate species. Notch是一个进化上十分保守的跨膜受体蛋白家族,对无脊椎动物和脊椎动物发育过程中的细胞命运决定起重要作用。
Later results showed that it was evolutionarily conserved from bacteria to human. 后来的基因组研究表明,从细菌到人类Bitl在进化上是高度保守的。
It is evolutionarily conserved and generally existing in the human body and a variety of plants and animals. 它与DNA-PKcs共同组成DNA-PK,是一种进化保守的蛋白,普遍的存在于人体及多种动植物中。
AChE coding sequences have been cloned so far from a range of evolutionarily diverse vertebrate and invertebrate species. 人们已经从数十种脊椎动物和无脊椎动物中克隆了AChE的编码序列。
In multi-cellular animals, apoptosis is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism used to remove the aging damage cells. 细胞凋亡是多细胞动物中一种进化上保守的,用来清除衰老损伤细胞的一种机制。
Notch signaling is an evolutionarily highly conserved pathway, which plays a fundamental role during the embryonic development of vertebrates and invertebrates. Notch信号是一个在进化上高度保守的信号途径,在脊椎动物和无脊椎动物胚胎发育过程中发挥重要作用。
Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily highly conserved mechanism for cell-cell communication, which controls differentiation and proliferation, and plays an important role in embryogenesis and many types of cell fate determination. Notch信号是一个在进化中高度保守的反映细胞间通讯机制的通路,它调控细胞的分化和增殖,在胚胎发育和细胞命运的决定中发挥重要的作用。