A report by McKinsey consultancy says up to a third of Japanese customers for EVs say they would not buy again. 麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey)近日发布的一份报告指出,三分之一的日本电动汽车车主表示,他们再也不会买电动汽车了。
Huge government support comes for EVs. 政府向电动汽车投入巨额资金支持。
Gas prices stay low, relegating EVs to niche status. 汽油价格会维持在低位运行,将电动车逼入小众市场。
Japan a leader in the development of electrically powered vehicles has largely failed to fall for so-called EVs. 日本虽然在开发电动汽车上走在世界前列,但现在很大程度上已经不再迷恋所谓的电动汽车了。
Arguably the biggest bet on EVs is by Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nissan ( nsany). 在电动汽车上下注最多的人可能当属日产公司的CEO卡洛斯•高森。
That rate is well below industry estimates, suggesting that the public is wary of the high costs of EVs plus the dreaded range anxiety& running out of juice on a dark country road. 同时,个数字也远低于业内预期,表明公众除了对电动汽车的续航里程深表焦虑外&比如在漆黑的乡间小路上突然没电了,也非常担心它的高额成本。
Having locked their plans several years ago, automakers including some high-profile ones will be introducing a remarkable assortment of EVs and plug-ins this year. 不少汽车厂商&包括一些高调的知名厂商早在几年前就制定了进军电动汽车市场的计划,2012年将有多款电动轿车和插电式混动汽车面世。
EVS is defined in IBM's Enterprise Target architecture as a key SOA "Enterprise Component", which by definition designates it for reuse by all of IBM's business units. EVS在IBM的企业目标体系结构中定义为主要的SOA“企业组件”,实际就将其定义为了供所有IBM的业务单位重用。
EVS demonstrates the need of consumer business owners to understand more than just their automated consumption of a particular Web service. EVS说明了使用者业务所有者需要了解更多信息,而不仅仅是其自己自动使用某个特定的Web服务。
EVS's service-based reusability decreases the cost associated with the development and maintenance of building redundant export control functions for multiple applications. EVS的基于服务的可重用性降低了与为多个应用程序构建冗余出口管制功能相关的开发和维护成本。
EVS follows a different business model, whereby updates to the service for new requirements are individually funded by each service consumer group requesting the changes for their unique needs. EVS采用了一种不同的业务模型,在其中,为满足新需求而对服务进行的更新由每个请求针对其独特需求进行更改的服务使用者组单独提供资金投入。
EVS has already been enabled within several existing IBM business processes and will be used by new processes that require customer checking for export compliance. EVS已经在多个现有IBM业务流程中启用,将供由需要进行客户检查来遵循出口遵从性的新流程使用。
EVS is also being evaluated as a potential IBM commercial asset, whereby IBM can provide both the service and manual override process for a customer's business processes. EVS正在作为潜在的IBM商业资产进行评估,因而IBM可能会为客户的业务流程同时提供此服务和手动覆盖流程。
An expansion of EVS to a larger enterprise scope beyond software products requires updates for improved robustness to ensure that EVS can handle additional volumes. 为了将EVS扩展到软件产品之外更大的企业范围需要进行更新,以获得更好的稳健性,从而确保EVS能够处理额外的负载。
As with many business services, EVS is not a completely stand-alone function, it is integrated with a manual business process to provide additional value "behind" the service. 和很多业务服务一样,EVS并不是完全独立的功能,它与手动业务流程进行了集成,以提供额外的服务价值。
EVS and CCMS represent key IBM internal solutions for compliance management and "information as a service" respectively. EVS和CCMS分别代表了遵从性管理和“作为服务的信息”方面的主要IBM内部解决方案。
This alternate model has been very successful to ensure that EVS is adequately funded to meet the challenges of new business directions. 这个模型非常成功地确保了EVS获得足够的资金投入,以应对新业务方向的挑战。
A manual back-end process is currently required in EVS to follow-up on potential false-positive export check results. 当前在EVS中需要一个手动后端流程,以进行潜在的错误出口检查结果的后续处理。
Voltage characteristics of Li-ion power battery for EVs 电动汽车用动力锂离子电池的电压特性
Using hybrid vehicle sales, which doubled over four years to 3 per cent of the US market, as a template for pure EVs fails to appreciate the challenge for cars with no internal combustion whatsoever. 以混合动力汽车的销售情况在美国市场的占有率在过去四年里翻了一番,达到3%来预测纯电动汽车的销售前景,是决不可能正确认识到无内燃发动机汽车面临的挑战的。
The situation is similar in the US, where some States with a lot of gas or nuclear generation benefit from electric cars, whereas some dependent on coal actually create more pollution with EVs. 这种情况跟美国一样,一些地方利用天然气或者原子能制造汽车,其结果不就是依靠煤制造更多污染。
Others, such as Delphi, already have wholly-owned companies in China producing components that go into EVs. 而其他大型供应商,例如德尔福,在中国已有独资公司,为混合动力和电动车生产相关部件。
Hong Kong and fourteen other member cities of C40 would form a C40 EV Network to share best practices to promote EVs. 根据该宣言,香港会与C40当中的十四个会员城市组成一个C40电动车辆网络,分享推动电动车辆的有效措施。
The batteries used in these EVS range from old-fashioned lead-acid to lithium ion. 而这类电动车的驱动电池也是五花八门,从老旧的铅酸电池到锂电池都有。
Electrical motors in hybrid electrical vehicles ( HEVs) are different from that in electrical vehicles ( EVs) in terms of operating condition and performance requirements. 介绍了医用非织造布的发展状况、种类和特征、性能要求及存在问题,并对其未来发展进行了展望。
Now when you look at uranium cross section as a function of energy and that's this neutron energy from EVs to MEV levels. 现在,当你看铀的横截面,是以能量的函数,那是中子能量,从电子伏到兆电子伏水平。
GM's ability to develop platforms and REVA's capability in developing electric drive-trains and control systems will result in, the consumer having a wider choice of EVs. 通用公司发展汽车平台的能力和REVA公司发展电力驱动汽车和控制系统的能力将对这个目标产生影响,消费者能有更广泛的电动汽车的选择。
As other carmakers produce more EVs, Tesla will benefit by licensing its technology and selling batteries. 随着其他汽车制造商生产出更多电动汽车,特斯拉将从提供技术许可和电池销售中获益。
What makes you to purchase an Electric Vehicles ( EVs)? 以下什麽因素可令您购买电动车?