This paper shows that ex-ante financial and ownership factors affect Chinese manufacturing firms diversification decisions. 我国制造业上市公司是否选择多元化受到事先财务和股权特征的影响。
Verification of workflow process model based on ex-ante analysis method; 对工作流过程模型的研究是当前工作流研究的热点之一。
Ex-ante Evaluation Method of MIS Based on Fuzzy Relative Potential 基于模糊相对势的MIS事前评价方法
This paper constructed a model to analyze ex-ante screening of loan applicants and ex-post auditing in order that banks reduce the risk that loans are not reimbursed. 基于目标规划及博弈论等原理,对贷款申请者的事前甄别和事后审查进行建模分析以降低银行不能收回贷款的风险。
By screening loan applicants ex-ante, lenders reduce the probability that the borrower cannot pay and reduce as well the probability that the borrower chooses not to pay when he can repay. 通过事前对贷款申请人进行甄别,贷款人能够降低借款人不能还款的概率,并且也能降低借款人能偿还借款但选择不偿还借款的概率。
The paper discuses how to make an ex-ante decision of sampling information when decision-maker has prior sampling information. 研究在拥有先验信息的情况下是否进行抽样调查这一决策问题。
In order to avoid the unexpected ends often appear during the execution of workflow, an ex-ante analysis method which includes verification of process validity and structural correctness is presented. 工作流执行过程中经常会出现非正常终止的情况,对此,将事前分析方法应用于工作流过程模型的验证中,即在工作流过程实例化前进行模型的有效性分析和结构正确性验证。
On the whole framework in research and analysis of investment operation in enterprise pension, this article separate research on three stages which are ex-ante, interim, ex-post in pension of investment process. 研究框架上以企业年金投资运作流程为主线,对企业年金投资的事前阶段、事中阶段和事后阶段三个环节存在的关键问题进行论述。
Therefore it becomes a new research field in financial distress prediction that how to mine ex-ante information to construct predictor variables. 因此,挖掘事前信息构建预测模型成为财务困境预测研究的新领域。
In ex-ante information asymmetry, adverse selection usually causes inefficiency in corporate financial market, likely leading to market breakdown and cross-subsidization, leading to under-or over-investment. 在事前信息不对称中,逆向选择往往使得公司融资市场无效率,容易产生市场解体和相互补贴,造成投资不足或过度投资。
A systematic difference between ex-ante and post judgment is hindsight bias. 事前判断与事后判断出现了系统性差异,则是事后聪明式偏差。
To the middle and small commercial bank, it may adopt a strict closure policy from an ex-ante standpoint and may relax it ex-post. 对中小商业银行则可以采取事前承诺较严格的关闭标准,而在事后根据具体情况适当放宽标准的策略。