But one red line has been drawn: national exchequers will continue to set their own rates. 但设了一条底线:国家财政部将继续实行其自有税率。
If that strains national exchequers and places greater demands on the EFSF, it would reduce the amount of money left to support sovereign bonds in countries such as Italy. 如果该标准使国家和地方财政过度依赖EDSD,标准会降低从而使额外的资金支持像意大利这样国家的政府公债。
The worry now is that a bursting property bubble might do damage to China's lenders, ruin local exchequers and cast a pall over its economy& and the countries which sell to it. 现在令人担忧的是破灭的房地产泡沫将对中国的借贷者造成损害,摧毁地方财政,给经济蒙上阴影,打击受到房地长泡沫破灭影响的地区。