The dancer is the choreographer's executant. 那个舞蹈演员是舞蹈设计人的执行者。
Speaker and Executant of Desire& On the Cultural connotation of He Dun's Novel 欲望的言说者和实现者&论何顿小说创作的文化内涵
The article thinks that a winter sports coach is a sculptor of outstanding athletes, a researcher of winter competitive sports, a designer, organizer, executant and manager of scientific training. 如何振兴我国冰球运动是广大冰球爱好者最为关心的一件大事,也是需要我国冰球行业管理者、教练员、运动员、学者和科研人员去努力解决的重大课题。
But no matter be machinator or executant, we can hearten, it is good to insist to do it do it. 但不管是策划者还是执行者,我们都会鼓起勇气、坚持将它做好。
The rural basic government is not only the supervisor and organizer of the rural public affairs, but also the explainer and executant of policies formulated by the higher-level governments. 农村基层政府是农村公共事业的直接组织者和管理者,也是中央及各级政府政策在农村的解释者、推行者。
Institution continuously and effectively function demanding the executant of Institution can found a kind of flowing mechanism& metabolic mechanism which can keep dynamic balance with its existent environment. 制度持续有效的运行需要制度执行者能建立起一个与其所生存的社会经济环境动态均衡的流动机制即新陈代谢机制。
Part 2 From the view of the executant's live mental activities, it analyses the two mental factors which affect the live performance: the mental tension and the attention of the executants. 第二部分从公开演奏时演奏者的心理活动分析的角度,对影响公开演奏的两大心理因素:演奏者心理紧张程度和演奏者的注意力集中与分配,进行具体的分析。
The results could not only advance intellect, savvy and musical feeling of executant, but also advance teaching efficiency. 以基本的物理规律作指导,对提高演奏者的理智、悟性、乐感等会有事半功倍之效,并可提高教学效率。
The program moderator as being the final executant of the broadcast and TV mediums must raise the consciousness of "three closes", and put the principle of" three closes "in throughout the course of planning 、 broadcasting and producing of the host's program. 节目主持人作为广播电视媒体传播的最终实施者,必须增强三贴近意识,将三贴近原则贯穿于节目的策划、播音和制作的全过程。
The constitutor and executant of the tax system have to consider how to solve these present problems in order to fulfil the function of Personal income tax. 如何解决存在的问题,充分发挥个人所得税的作用,是制度的制定者、执行者应该思索的问题。
An executant must get a first impression of the music through reading the music score, and then recompose it according to his or her own knowledge of music and taste and finally bring it to the public. 演奏者必须首先通过对乐谱的研读,获取对音乐的第一印象,然后再根据自己的音乐知识和个人品味进行二度创作,最终呈现于观众面前。
Protein is the final executant of life functions and the damage of the key proteins will bring about the lose of cell functions and the death of cells. 蛋白质是细胞功能的最终执行者,细胞关键蛋白质的损伤,有可能导致细胞相关功能的丧失直至细胞死亡。
Protein is the material executant and embodiment of life. The studies on the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer prefer to proteomics and sieving sensitive and specific biomarkers. 蛋白质是生命活动的具体执行者和体现者,因此深入研究胰腺癌的发病机制,寻找特异、灵敏的标志物用于早期诊断,客观上要求在蛋白质组的水平进行进一步探索。