n. (公司或机构的)经理,主管领导,管理人员; (统称公司或机构的)行政领导,领导层; (政府的)行政部门 executive的复数
N-COUNT 主管;管理者;经理 An executive is someone who is employed by a business at a senior level. Executives decide what the business should do, and ensure that it is done.
...an advertising executive. 广告主管
...Her husband is a senior bank executive. 她丈夫是银行高级主管。
ADJ 管理的;执行的 The executive sections and tasks of an organization are concerned with the making of decisions and with ensuring that decisions are carried out.
A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any other executive task... 成功的求职与执行其他任何任务一样,都需要良好的条理性。
I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing. 我不设想自己将成为管理人员,但很希望成为商品营销顾问。
ADJ 高级的;精美时髦的;供主管人员使用的 Executive goods are expensive goods designed or intended for executives and other people at a similar social or economic level.
...an executive briefcase. 高级公文包
...a chain of shops specialising in pricey executive toys. 专卖价格昂贵的精美玩具的连锁商店
...executive cars. 高级轿车
N-SING 执行委员会;行政委员会 The executive committee or board of an organization is a committee within that organization which has the authority to make decisions and ensures that these decisions are carried out.
He sits on the executive committee that manages Lloyds... 他是管理劳埃德保险公司的执行委员会成员。
Some executive members have called for his resignation. 一些执行委员会成员要求他辞职。
...the executive of the National Union of Students. 全国学生会执行委员会
N-SING (政府的)行政部门 The executive is the part of the government of a country that is concerned with carrying out decisions or orders, as opposed to the part that makes laws or the part that deals with criminals.
The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be separate... 政府、行政部门和司法部门应该彼此分离。
The matter should be resolved by the executive branch of government. 这个问题应该由政府的行政部门解决。
Two other executives appeared at Worthing Magistrates 'Court charged with tax fraud 又有两个经理因偷税漏税指控被传唤到沃辛治安法庭。
He urged US executives to invest billions of dollars in his country. 他力劝美国公司的高管们向他的国家投资数十亿美元。
He forbade contacts between directors and executives outside his presence. 他禁止董事与管理层绕开他私下进行任何联系。
He disregarded the advice of his executives 他对主管层的建议置若罔闻。
The unemployed executives include former sales managers, directors and accountants. 被解雇的管理人员包括前销售经理、主管和会计。
At these conventions, executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks 在这些集会上,主管们和其他银行的重要人员友善往来。
The settlement means that the three executives can return from gardening leave and start their new jobs. 这份协议意味着3位主管可以结束园艺假,开始新的工作。
This gave Bill an opportunity to hobnob with the company's president, board chairman, and leading executives. 这使得比尔有机会和公司的总裁、董事长以及那些主要行政主管们厮混在一起。
Executives lived like kings. The top thirty-one executives were paid a total of$ 14.2 million. 经理们活得像国王一样。职位最高的31名经理的薪金总额达到了1,420万美元。
Executives say they are leery of the proposed system 行政人员们说他们对拟建中的系统心怀顾虑。
She lined up executives, politicians and educators to serve on the board of directors 她邀请了高管、政坛人物和教育家加入董事会。
Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 400 chief executives 逾400名行政总裁投票推选亚特兰大为最适宜开办公司的城市。
Of the first three franchises to be awarded, two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives. 头三项特许权中有两项给予了由英国铁路公司前管理层负责的管理层收购项目。
Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation. 许多忙碌的主管开始练习瑜伽和冥想。
Company executives say revamped merchandising should help Macy's earnings to grow. 公司主管说销售规划改进后应该能够帮助梅西公司提高收益。
If executives fail to exploit the opportunities of networking they risk being left behind. 如果高管们未能抓住机会建立关系网,他们就有落后的风险。
The company's top executives had refused to listen to reason. 公司的高层管理人员拒绝理智行事。
They have taken measures to equate the salaries of higher civil servants to those of business executives. 他们采取措施使高级文职人员的工资和企业管理干部的工资相等。
Executives said the app-store model degrades the quality of games and isn't sustainable. 高管们指责苹果商店模式会降低游戏的质量,并且不是可持续的。
When foreign executives speak of their American counterparts, they are apt to be more scornful than awestruck. 当国外的经理们谈到他们的美国同行时,往往是轻蔑多于敬畏。
Samsung Group representatives have issued detailed rebuttals and said its various companies and executives will cooperate with investigators. 三星集团的代表已发表了详细的反驳声明,并表示旗下各公司和管理层会配合调查人员的工作。
Many managers and executives today have been bombarded by Agile media articles. 今天许多的敏捷媒体文章对许多管理员和项目领导进行了狂轰滥炸。
Communication with executives and users at a strategic level to understand their requirements for the system. 与执行人员和策略级的用户沟通,以了解其对系统的要求。
This comment reflects a new reality for IT executives and a new paradigm shift for IT shops. 这一评论反映了IT执行人员的新的现实和IT购买方面的新的转变范例。