And left-brain gives us logic, analytic ability etc., i.e.those characteristics that peculiar for executors, accountants, for instance. 如执行者和会计之类的职业要求具备一定的逻辑分析能力。我并不打算解释右脑为什么会比左脑发达或者左脑为什么不如右脑发达,这不是重点。
Few developers use SynchronousQueue directly, but it is used as the work queue for thread pools constructed with the Executors. newCachedThreadPool() factory. 很少有开发人员会直接使用SynchronousQueue,但是通过Executors.newCachedThreadPool()工厂构建的线程池用它作为工作队列。
The term my executors as used in this Will shall include any duly acting personal representative or representatives of my estate. 我的执行人一词在此遗嘱中应包括任何适时行为的财产个人代表。
The students are mainly top level executors or CEOs of French company who are keen on learning the ropes to do business in the Far East. 这些学员大部分是来自法国公司的高阶主管或者行政执行总裁。他们热切的想了解在远东经商的脉络。
I saw clearly the difference between the leaders and the executors from the whole process. 整个过程,让我清楚地看到了计划的制定者与执行者之间的区别。
The executors of this will are his Excellency the cupbearer and klara. 执行人是优秀的斟酒人和克拉拉。
For multiple Executors, the class names should be separated by commas. 对于多个执行器,类名应该以逗号分隔。
This agreement applies to, insures to the benefit of, and binds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees, administrators, executors, successors and assigns. 本协议适用于协议各方的继承人,受遗赠人,财务顾问,管理人员,执行人,继任者和受理人并且保证他们的利益。
Educational policys execution is a process of benefit gambling between policy executors and receivers. 教育政策的执行是政策推行者与接受者之间利益博弈的过程。
As a complex mega-system, system of public policy implementation consists of policy makers, policy executors, objective groups and implementation supervisors, whose value orientations differ from each other. 摘要公共政策执行系统是一个复杂的巨系统,主要由公共政策制定者、执行者、目标群体以及执行监督主体等要素组成,各要素价值取向各不相同。
As everybody knows, all people are divided into two categories – which are creative personalities ( idea generators) and executors. 大家都知道,人一般可以划分为两类,一种是创造派(主意多),另一种是执行派。
The managers at intermediate level are nominated by the chief executor and appointed by the board of executors after discussion. 中层管理人员由理事长提名,经理事会讨论后决定任用;
The compound gear motors are a new kind of executors, which combine inner and external gears motors with wheel drive theory. 复合齿轮马达是综合内外齿轮马达和轮系传动理论为一体的一种新型执行元件。
From then on, any members who want to recede from ASCO must apply for it to the organization, and can realize their plan only when the board of executors has approved it by majority over half. 嗣后,如有任何成员国申请退出,须经亚洲安全合作组织理事会以过半数票通过批准。
Personnel administrators should in reality become firm believers, loyal executors and energetic advocate of "scientific approaches of development". 人事工作者要真正成为科学发展观的坚定信仰者、忠实执行者和积极促进者。
The regulating instrument is composed of a regulating circuit, a liquid level sensor, a temperature sensor, two executors, and a digital thermometer. 它由调节电路、液位传感器、温度传感器和两个执行器及数字温度计组成。
It is just a matter of getting enforcement up to snuff. to be the executors of the published laws, rules and standards; 这仅仅是一个按照标准执行的问题。国家有关出版法律、法规、标准的执行者;
As it stands, a will writer must appoint two executors, both over 18 years 'old, one being the person most likely to be a major beneficiary and the second a friend or relative. 在遗嘱有效期间,遗嘱撰写人必须指定两个执行人,都要在18岁以上,一个是最可能成为主要受益人的某个人,另一个是朋友或亲戚。
By two-thirds majority, the board can impeach any executors and the chiefs of any departments under the board of executors. 以三分之二多数票通过决议,得弹劾理事会任何成员以及理事会所属各部门的主管首长。
A judicial certificate saying that a will is genuine and conferring on the executors the power to administer the estate. 说明遗嘱真实性并授予执行者管理其财产权利的司法证明。
Corruption has many different strains: sometimes politicians are bent and judges are straight; civil servants may be honest executors of a corrupt politician's will; or the minister may be honest, but officialdom crooked. 腐败有许多不同的特性:有时政治人物腐败,而法官很廉洁;公务员可能是腐化的政客意志的忠实执行者;或者部长是清廉的,而官员们则相反。
Consider exploiting Spring's asynchronous task executors to reduce user wait time for tasks that can be run in the background. 对可以在后台运行的任务,考虑使用Spring的异步任务执行器来减少用户等待时间。
"Although there remain unresolved creditor claims, pending litigation and additional legal issues, the executors have made substantial progress in reducing the estate's debt," the documents state. 文件说,尽管还有尚未解决的债务纠纷、诉讼和其他法律问题,不过,遗产管理者为减少债务所做的工作成绩显著。
Jury institution is a democratic system of jurisdiction, in which the jurors and judges are both the executors. 陪审员与法官是同一审判权的行使者,其相互关系是以微观分权的方式实现权力制衡。
The board of executors must be responsible and report on their work to the standing council and, at the same time, be supervised and checked by the board of supervisors. 理事会必须对议事会负责并报告工作,同时接受监事会的监督和制约。
I agree that this release shall be effective and binding upon the undersigned, and my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns. 我同意,一旦签署,此责任豁免协议将生效。此协议同样有效于我的继承人,近亲,执行人、管理人,个人代表和转让人。
The board of executors is in charge of coordinating the relationships among these departments and that between the ASA and the armies of ASCO member countries. 理事会负责协调所属各部门以及亚安军与成员国军队之间的关系。
Senior Managers, directors and executors who want to improve leader ability. 高级管理人员,高级经理需要提高领导才能的高级管理人员、管和执行者。
In recalls, government and enterprises are supervisor and executors, respectively. 在召回管理中,政府和企业是召回行动的监督管理者和实施者。
As the policy makers and executors, their grain economic thoughts could transform into actual productive forces well. 作为王朝政策的制定者和执行者,其粮政思想能较好地转化为实际生产力。