At Exeter University Rowling took her degree in French and spent one year studying in Paris. 大学里,罗琳主修法语,在巴黎留学一年。
They are wall-following and the Pledge algorithm ( invented by Jon Pledge of Exeter, England at age12). 这两种算法是沿墙走(wall-following)和Pledge算法(由英国埃克塞特的JonPledge在12岁时发明)。
He received a BSc with honors in Computer Science with Management Science from Exeter University in 2000. 他在2000年获得Exeter大学的计算机科学与管理科学的理学学士学位(荣誉)。
Psychologist Dr Craig Knight from the University of Exeter said: We have previously shown that designing your own workspace improves health, happiness and productivity. 埃克塞特大学的心理学家克雷格奈特博士说:我们之前说过布置自己的工作区域能促进健康、幸福和工作效率。
The report, from researchers at Oxford and the University of Exeter in England, is said to be the first evidence that a child's sex is associated with a mother's diet. 来自英格兰牛津大学和艾克赛特大学的研究人员所发布的报告是至今第一个证据证明孩子的性别与妈妈的饮食有关系。
In the British university ranking in2008, the University of Exeter runs the13th. 在08年全英国大学排名中,埃克塞特大学名列13。
In Oxford, Cambridge and Exeter, youngsters from abroad fill university dormitories and housing vacated by students. 在牛津、剑桥和埃克塞特,其他国家的年轻人占据了大学寝室,以及学生们空出的房屋。
Dr. Shaun Curtis, director of the international development and recruitment office at the University of Exeter, agreed. 埃克塞特大学(UniversityofExeter)国际发展与招生办公室主任肖恩·柯蒂斯博士(ShaunCurtis)对此表示赞同。
Co-author Dr Craig Knight, from the University of Exeter, said: Psychologically manipulating real workplaces and real jobs adds new depth to our understanding of what is right and what is wrong with existing workspace design and management. 来自埃克塞特大学的参与者克雷格·奈特(CraigKnight)教授说:心理操纵真实的工作场所和真实的工作加深了对现有的工作环境设计和管理的理解。
A graduate of Exeter University, a teacher, and then unemployed single parent, Rowling wrote Harry Potter when I was very low, and I had to achieve something. 罗琳毕业于埃克塞特大学,毕业后当了一名老师,后来就成了失业的单身母亲。罗琳说:写《哈里-波特》时,我情绪低落,我必须做点什么。
The study, which also involved academics from the University of Exeter; the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, and the University of Queensland, Australia, studied offices over several months during which times plants were removed and added. 这项调查由来自埃克塞特大学,荷兰格罗宁根大学,以及澳大利亚昆士兰大学的学者参与其中,调查研究了办公室数月里植物盆栽移除和添加的变化。
She's doing a degree at Exeter university. 她正在埃克塞特大学攻读学位。
He lectured on colonial economic history at the University of exeter. 他在埃克塞特大学讲殖民地经济史。
So here in Exeter and across New Hampshire voters are preparing to select their candidates for president. 埃克塞特和新罕布什尔州其它地区的选民正准备选出总统候选人。
After the Battle of Hastings in1066, the Norman King William arrived at the walls of Exeter. 后在1066年黑斯廷斯战役中,诺曼国王威廉来到埃克塞特的墙壁。
Researchers at Exeter University found that male executive directors in the best-performing companies were paid bonuses 263 per cent bigger than those working for the worst performers. 埃克塞特大学(Exeteruniversity)的研究人员发现,在业绩最好的企业里,男性执行董事的奖金比业绩最差企业中的男董事高出了263%。
He lives to the east of exeter. 他住在埃克塞特的东边。
She got a first in maths at Exeter. 她在埃克塞特大学数学系毕业,获一级荣誉学位。
The English Gothic cathedrals include Canterbury, Lincoln, York Minster, and Exeter. 英国哥特式教堂包括坎特伯雷,林肯市,约克以及艾克赛特大教堂。
After completing a music degree at Exeter University he went to Germany whilst playing in many German Orchestras. 在完成了大学的音乐学位之后,他去了德国并在德国的几个乐团演奏。
Manchester is also an international airport but on a slightly different scale to Exeter. 曼彻斯特机场也是一个国际机场,但与埃克塞特有少许不同之处。
It was World War Two when war came to Exeter. 这是第二次世界大战,当战争来到埃克塞特。
We happened to be in Exeter so we looked In on my sister and her family. 我们碰巧在埃克塞特,所以我们顺便去看了我姐姐一家。
Apart from his occasional sorties to Exeter he hardly ever left the farm. 除了偶尔去一趟埃克塞特,他很少离开那农场。
Come and meet other international students, find out information about Exeter and life in Britain. 快来和其他国际学生,了解英国埃克塞特和生活的情况。
Lord Exeter presented the medals for this event. 这个项目由埃克塞特勋爵颁奖。
"She told me, that I had been conceived through donor insemination ( DI) at the Margaret Jackson clinic in Exeter," says Christine. 克里斯蒂娜说:她告诉我,她是在埃克塞特的玛格丽特-杰克逊诊所通过人工授精怀上我的。
The research was carried out by the University of Exeter and Peninsula Medical School and published in the Journal of Applied Physiology. 这项研究由Exeter大学和半岛医学院联合完成并且发表在《应用生理学杂志》上。
Vaidya of Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter and colleagues note that to gauge the impact of this policy, they prospectively studied pregnant women during their first antenatal clinic visit. 德文郡和阿可色特医院的Vaidya博士和他的同事们在文章中评价了此指导方针,他们随访研究了怀孕妇女们的第一次分娩前临床检查。