The ban had the unfortunate effect of pushing smokers just off-site, where their litter and exhalations angered local residents and, in one area, meant that staff were found to be smoking next to a playground. 这个禁令的不良后果是将吸烟者从医院场地赶到了附近的居民区,而他们造成的垃圾与烟雾激怒了当地居民,在一个地方,人们发现,医院员工居然在儿童游戏场的旁边吞云吐雾。
To control a wheelchair, for example, two short sniffs means a forward move, while two short exhalations means reverse. 比如,患者想要控制一台轮椅,可以用两次短促吸气来示意前进,两次短促呼气来示意后退。
People caused unnatural exhalations of greenhouse gases that had an impact on the world's climate. 人类导致了温室气体的非自然排放。这个翻译也读得不大通。
It holds a wide tube that will route my exhalations into plastic bags for analysis. 在上面一支大口径管,会把呼出的气体收集到塑料袋中用来分析。
With steady awareness of our inhalations and exhalations, the breath can become an equanimous constant through the ups and downs of our daily life. 藉由对于呼吸的稳定专注觉知,能使我们在日常生活的起起落落之中慢慢变得平和稳定。