Lieutenant Malcolm said she saw no sign that the exodus from Haiti was abating 马尔科姆海军上尉说她没有发现人们大批逃离海地有减缓的迹象。
The medical system is facing collapse because of an exodus of doctors. 由于医生大批离去,医疗系统面临崩溃。
The trade pacts will spur an exodus of US businesses to Mexico. 这些贸易协定将会促使大批美国企业涌向墨西哥。
Executives and government officials worried about a potential exodus. 花旗高管和政府官员对可能发生的客户大规模流失感到忧心忡忡。
A major exodus of people from their homes started in 2011 with the eruption of civil war in Syria; but, in the past five years, armed conflicts and persecution also have sent people fleeing from their homes in Africa, Asia and Europe. 大量人员外流始于2011年,这是叙利亚内战带来的后果。但在以往五年期间,非洲、亚洲和欧洲的武装冲突和迫害也迫使人们逃离家园。
We would still be obligated to discuss the exodus. 我们还是得要讨论出埃及记。
( Old Testament) food that God gave the Israelites during the exodus. (《旧约全书》)在古代以色列人出埃及时期,上帝赠与以色列人的食物。
Property and share-market prices are continuing to increase, and the exodus of migrants has now reversed. 房地产和股票市场的价格正持续上升,移居国外的人士现已倒流回港。
So everything in Exodus he just reads through the lens of Christ himself. 所以他读的《出埃及记》里的一切,都是透过基督自己的视角的。
The exodus of refugees fleeing the violence and unrest in Syria has continued to build. 逃离叙利亚的暴力和动乱形势的难民仍持续不断。
The exodus has given rise to informal opportunities. 外国人的撤离也带来了一些意外的机会。
All through the developing world the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already. 在整个发展中的世界里,退出农村而向城市迁徙的先锋已经到达了城市的边缘。
Man's great challenge at this moment is to prevent his exodus from this planet. 人在当前所遇到的最大挑战,就是要防止人从这个星球上消失。
The mass exodus of East Germans to the West led to the erection of the Berlin Wall in1961. 从东德至西德的大量人口越境导致了1961年柏林墒的修筑。
The life of Moses is found in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and one other book. 摩西的生平记载在出埃及记,民数记,申命记和另一本书。
Several centuries after the events described in Exodus took place, the original 12 tribes of Israel had split into two nations. 《出埃及记》记述的这些事件发生数个世纪后,以色列最初的12个部落分裂成了两个民族。
This led to a mass exodus of Ethiopians mainly to Sudan, but also to Somalia and Djibouti. 埃塞俄比亚人大规模外逃,主要逃往苏丹,也有一部分人逃到索马里和吉布提。
If that does not happen, I fear an exodus of talent from Britain. 如若不然,我担心人才将大批逃离英国。
The stock market has seen a recent exodus of investors from hightechnology stocks. 近来股市上高科技股流失了大批投资者。
Our readings over the past few weeks have been taking us through the books of Exodus and Leviticus. 在过去的几周内,我们的读经一直是围绕出埃及记和利未记展开的。
He is "abounding in goodness and truth" ( Exodus 34:6). 他是有丰盛的慈爱和诚实(出埃及记34:6)。
Look up the term "prophet" in Genesis 20:7 and Exodus 7:1. 在创世纪20:7和出埃及纪7:1中查找先知一词。
Long before the Exodus a Tatar spat in his blood. 在以色列人出埃及前很久,一个鞑靼人便朝他的血液里哗过唾沫。
What are the causes of this exodus of people from one country to the other? 是什么原因,这个出走的人从一国向另一?
You can choose to add any combination of the three new options included in Exodus. 你可以选择添加任何三个新选项扩展中的任意一个。
This is the story of one family's new home& and how the exodus will shake the world. 这是一个家庭新房的故事&大批离去将如何震动世界。
I was nevertheless participating my intention in the customary exodus from Watts. 我仍然加入了惯常的逃出瓦茨的人群。
Exodus 14:19 says that the angel of God also removed and went behind them. 出埃及记第14章19节说:在以色列营前行走神的使者,转到他们后边去。
As the largest refugee exodus in modern history. 这是近代史上最大的一次难民潮。