Exogenously supplied aspartate is not an active precursor of asparagine in plant tissues. 外来供给的天门冬氨酸,在植物组织中并不是一个活跃的天门冬酰胺前体。
The Keynesian consensus view was that the government could be treated exogenously. 凯恩斯主义的一致见解认为,政府可以被看成是外生性的。
Modified Responses to Salt Stress of Catharanthus Roseus by Exogenously Supplied Nitrogen Forms 外源氮含量和形态对长春花响应盐胁迫的影响
Why should the minimum payment be decided exogenously by the government? 为什么最低的工资要让置身事外的政府来决定?
Production Efficiency Analysis for Exogenously Fixed Inputs or Outputs 具有固定不变输入或输出的生产有效性评价
Methods: We established animal models of injury of facial nerve with rabbits. The GM 1 was given exogenously. We observed the histological changes and ultrastructures of facial nerve after 2,4, and 8 weeks. 方法:建立兔面神经损伤后再生的实验模型,外源性给予GM1,分别在术后2,4,8周观察面神经的组织学及超微结构变化。
When exogenously supplied, DLL-1 cells accumulated exogenous glycine betaine rapidly from medium to balance the extracellular osmolality instead of the synthesis of compatible solutes. 在渗透胁迫条件下,细胞从外界快速吸收外源甜菜碱来代替自身相容性溶质的合成。
It has been reported that exogenously administering MT could prolong life, postpone aging, and reduce the incidences of age-related diseases. 近年来国外有研究表明,MT分泌减少与机体衰老及某些老年性疾病的发生有关。
Conclusions Exogenously administering the HO inhibitor ZnPP-ⅸ may increase the nNOS gene expression and NO production in recurrent FS, suggesting that CO might down-regulate the activity of NOS/ NO system. 结论反复FS时,外源性给予HO抑制剂ZnPPⅨ可可抑制HO/CO系统,降低血浆CO,增加神经元NOS的基因表达及NO含量,提示CO可能下调NOS/NO系统活性。
Is there another change path of the development of private family business, different from the normative growth type-separation of ownership and execution, if the institutions are exogenously given? 在我国目前外生即定的制度环境下,民营家族企业的成长是否存在与规范性两权分离道路相异的其他制度变迁路径?
The main conclusions are as follows: Firstly, when the accounts of factors and institutions are shocked exogenously, the crossed effects to other accounts are larger than the effects to themselves after the system ′ s circulation; 主要研究结论:第一,要素和部门账户受到外生冲击时,对其它账户产生的交叉影响大于经过系统循环后对自身的影响;
Chapter 3 takes the whole China as an example, studies the performance of the endogenously determined mechanism and the exogenously determined mechanism of urbanization. 在文章第三部分,以中国这样一个典型的欠发达国家为例,分析外生性和内生性城市化机制的作用过程和主要表现。
The Effect of Exogenously Applied Abscisic Acid on ATPase Expression in Developing Apple Fruit and Grape Berry 外源脱落酸对苹果、葡萄果实内ATPase表达的影响
The model in the second section of this chapter is the basic one in that technological progress is only introduced exogenously. 其中,第二节的模型是基础性的,它仅仅以外生的方式引入了技术进步,并在此基础上分别对以物质资本为中心和以人力资本为中心的经济增长方式进行了细致的分析。
Rationale: Myocardial infarction ( MI) rapidly depletes the endogenous cardiac progenitor-cell pool, and the inefficient recruitment of exogenously administered progenitor cells limits the effectiveness of cardiac cell therapy. 目的:心肌缺血导致内源性心肌祖细胞池迅速耗竭,通过注射外源性祖细胞的细胞治疗方法因为外源性心肌祖细胞不能有效地被招募到缺血部位而受到限制。
Here, technological progress is no longer a given value exogenously, but a result of economic agents maximizing their profits. Emphasizing entrepreneurs 'behavior in this article is our consistent microeconomic foundation. 这里的技术进步不再是外生给定,而是经济主体追求利润最大化的有意识的结果,强调企业家是技术进步的推动者是本文贯彻始终的微观基础。
As classical models in industrial economics, Cournot, Bertrand and Stackelberg models all assume that the order of moves is decided exogenously, an assumption has been criticized until now. 产业经济学中的经典模型Cournot模型、Bertrand模型及Stackelberg模型都假设参与人的行动顺序是外生给定的,这一假设一直以来广受置疑。
Add the inositol exogenously can promote the release of barley metal ion and improve their hydrolase activity. 外源添加肌醇促进大麦金属离子的释放,提高自身水解酶活力,并且肌醇提前激活体内植酸酶活力,激活其他水解酶活力。
In this work, differences in cell wall regeneration among protoplasts isolated from different materials was compared. In addition, the oxidative stress responses of protoplasts during cell wall regeneration by exogenously adding PAs and PAs inhibitor are discussed. 本文探讨了从不同材料中所分离的原生质体在细胞壁再生期间的差异,以及壁再生过程中,多胺对细胞应对氧化胁迫的影响。
No mater how they are produced& exogenously generated, being by-products of macroeconomic variable, acquired by inputting some resources, provided by central planner or enterprises in market competition, the technology or knowledge always can be guaranteed a positive rate of growth. 不管该技术或知识的增长是外生的、是一些宏观经济量的副产品、需要花费一定资源得到、由政府提供或者由追求垄断利润的企业研发,其都可以按照一定的正的增长率增长。
Since the reform and opening up in China, the insurance agency has exogenously promoted the rapid development of the insurance industry, but it also caused many problems, one of the most core issues is the phenomenon of insurance agent illegal sale insurance is serious. 我国自改革开放以来,保险代理人外源性的推动保险业的快速发展,但这期间也引发了诸多问题,其中最核心的问题是保险代理人违规经营保险业务现象严重。