He confronted his childhood trauma and tried to exorcise the pain 他正视自己儿时所受的创伤,努力消除心中的痛苦。
A sun dance, some of you may know, is a coming together of the tribes in a vast gathering in the summer time to pray, to exorcise the demons, to bring the tribe together, to make speeches. 你们中的有些人可能知道,太阳舞是印第安人在夏天举行的一场盛大的部落聚会。在聚会上,人们做祷告,驱邪除魔,将部落团结在一起,并做各种演讲。
She was the child-woman who, unknowingly, had tormented him with fantasies he could not exorcise by day, and with erotic fever-dreams by night. 这个小女人不知不觉地,出现在他白天挥之不去的幻想里,出现他在夜晚情欲燥热的梦境中,让他受尽折磨。
After so many vain attempts, it is time we accepted that the issue is not how to exorcise religion from society. It is how rival faiths can learn to live together in peace. 经过这么多次徒劳的尝试,我们是时候接受这一点了:问题不是如何将宗教排除在社会之外,而是彼此竞争的信仰如何能够学会和平共存。
Rising out of the mist amid some of the most sublime alpine scenery in Europe, a spa hotel built on the site of Adolf Hitler's mountain eyrie hopes to exorcise the ghost of the Nazi leader. 有着阿尔卑斯山脉世外桃源之称的奥柏萨尔斯堡山曾是阿道夫·希特勒私人别墅的所在地,现在一座豪华的温泉饭店已在那里拔地而起。
Through studying the current situation of Pingxiang exorcise culture resources, this paper analyzes the problems which exists in Pingxing exorcise culture and gives some suggestions on how to protect and develop such exorcise culture resources. 摘要通过对萍乡傩文化资源的现状调查,分析了目前萍乡傩文化资源存在的问题,对如何进行傩文化资源的保护与开发提出了一些建议。
Four priests were dispatched to exorcise the demons. 四个牧师被指派去驱魔。
It was once believed that a man could have a devil in him, and that a priest could exorcise this devil from him by prayer. 人们一度相信魔鬼附在人身,而神父能用符咒驱魔。
She dressed severely, wore flat-heeled shoes, and had her hair cropped short, as if to exorcise her femininity. 她衣着朴素,穿着平底鞋,头发剪得很短,仿佛要消除女性的痕迹似的。
If they wanna exorcise for you when will it finish? 如果他们想帮你驱邪,什么时候结束呢?
She actually tried to exorcise you? 她真的想给你驱邪?
A noodle shop delivery worker lured a teenager to bed by claiming he could exorcise the evil spirit he claimed was possessing her. 一名面档送外卖工人向一名青年声称可以帮她驱鬼来引诱她上床。
When she gets round to buying a property on the outskirts of Beijing, "in the countryside, where I can exorcise my gardening demons", she will display more of her collection. 当她在北京郊区购下一处房产之后,“乡下可以让我过足园艺的瘾”,她也会在那里展示自己更多的收藏。
But this time, the local Youth Troupe with a new mill for the dowry, wanted to send his daughter betrothed to exorcise. 然而此时,当地的团总以新磨坊为陪嫁,想把女儿许配给傩送。
Leoric hid his dark secret from his Priests, hoping that somehow his own devout righteousness would be enough to exorcise that corruption growing inside him-he was sorely mistaken. 雷欧瑞克对自己的牧师隐瞒了这黑暗的秘密,期望自己虔诚的正义足以驱除这从内部滋长出来的腐败&他大错特错了。
Did we try to exorcise him? 我们有没有试着给那人驱邪?
The suspects deny the crime and claim that they were praying to exorcise the evil spirit from the dying woman, when the anointing oil they had applied to her body caught fire. 但五人否认罪名,并辩驳称他们只是在祷告为这个垂死的女人驱除恶灵,结果涂在她身上的油膏着了火。
Sort out your sex life – its good exorcise and it's very good for your mental health. 把你的性生活条理好,可以很好地辟邪,也对你的精神健康有好处。
Ivy may be used to exorcise that which we wish to banish or to unite like-minded people. 常春藤可以用来驱除那些我们希望驱逐或拒绝结合的人。
Ghosts from the colonial past haunted the agenda, even though the Lisbon meeting was billed as the occasion to exorcise them and move on. 尽管此次在里斯本举行的峰会被宣传成驱散阴影、展望未来的机会,但非洲殖民地历史的阴影仍然笼罩着峰会议程。
Now it is helping to exorcise wartime ghosts. 现在,它正在帮助两国驱除战时幽灵。
The Comprehensive View of Exorcise, Shaman and Yoga in Myth Renaissance 傩、萨满、瑜伽&神话复兴视野上的通观
Research on the Relation between Exorcise Culture and the Origin of Sports 论巫傩祭祀文化与体育起源
On the Game Property of Exorcise 论傩舞的游戏性
Content: "Southern Shaanxi side of public drama" was originally a kind of Nuo opera is determined by Exorcise, Nuo dance together in an art form, you can say that it is the original ancient and unique. 陕南端公戏原是傩戏的一种,是由傩、傩舞综合起来的一种艺术形式,可以说它是原始古朴及独特的。
In this section, mainly for Maonan Exorcise cultural heritage and educational status of its main problems. 在这一部分,主要针对毛南族傩舞文化的传承与教育现状,分析了其主要存在的问题。
First, the Maonan exorcise the way cultural heritage of several advantages and disadvantages: the family ( family) heritage of limitations; folk heritage of the missing and the lack of; social heritage. 毛南族傩舞文化的几种传承方式的优劣势对比:家庭(家族)传承的局限性;民俗传承的缺失与缺乏;社会传承。
Modern society, the rapid development of technological civilization, but also makes exorcise once become a "lost civilization", even in a very long period of time can only be charged to zero in some villages to see some of its broken miniature. 现代社会科技文明的飞速发展,更使得傩舞曾一度成为了一种失落的文明,乃至在很长的一段时间里都只能在部分村落中支零破碎地看到一些它的缩影。