The Swedish pizza is recognizable, but yet the myriad combinations of tomato sauce, cheese, banana, capers, chicken, ham, guacamole, onions, etc., which provides a pleasant process of selection, choices, exoticism and naming. 瑞典披萨辨识度高,组合包罗万象,有番茄酱、芝士、香蕉、酸豆、鸡肉、火腿、鳄梨色拉酱、洋葱等,精心挑选、种类繁多、颇具异域风情,披萨名还很有意思。
Interconnecting this with the tarantula, cropped bird and zebra patterns accentuates Yayanagi's adventurous spirit pervades the canvas with emblems of travels and exoticism. 加上画中的蜘蛛、鸟及斑马,这些旅游及异国的形象在画中突显了画家的冒险精神。
Can such exoticism ever make a real place? 这种异国情调能创造一个真实的地方吗?
But you give things up, too, and sometimes you strongly crave comfort, stability and familiarity over excitement, exoticism and newness. 但你也得放弃一些什么,有时候你会强烈渴望安慰、稳定和亲切感,甚至超过你对兴奋感、异国情调和新鲜事物的喜爱。
The dish "Singapore noodles" does not exist in Singapore, but was probably invented by an enterprising restaurateur eager to add a dash of exoticism to his menu. “新加坡面”并不是由新加坡人发明,但是这可能是哪家想要增加其异国情调的餐馆发明的面条然后写在了菜单上。
The full house is simple and elegant, classical and modern which full of great exoticism. Therefore, a romantic sound can be easily heard in every tiny specific. 整个屋子,质朴而优雅,古典又不失现代,蕴满浓浓异国情愫,每一处微小的细节都能听到浪漫坠地的幸福之音。
The majority of literature on Morimura has been from European and American perspectives, much of which are brought forth through the lens of oriental exoticism. 有关森村泰昌的研究,多数以欧美学术论文为主,其中多为异国情调的论述。
He admits that "it isn't clear what the break between modernisation and Westernisation will mean." But at the very least it will ensure "a world of enormous cultural diversity and exoticism". 他承认现在还不清楚现代化与西化的破裂会预示着什么,但是我们肯定起码会迎来一个世界里面包容着五花八门的文化。
On visits home I had to make a conscious decision whether to exaggerate or downplay the exoticism. 回到美国后,我得有意识地做个决定,对在北京生活的这段日子,是说得夸张一点好呢,还是平淡一点好。
Exoticism, to a certain degree, satisfies the poets'need for an extensive imagination power. 就某种程度而言,异国情调的想象性特征满足了诗人扩张想象力的需要。
To give expression to exoticism, we should put to use the principle of measurable equivalence and the principle of acceptability. 翻译作品要体现这种异国情调,就须提倡适度原则、文化对等原则和可接受性原则。
Exoticism and Image of the East in British Literature 英国文学的异国情调和东方形象研究
The Chinese princess: an image with exoticism 中国公主:作为异国情调的中国形象
It points out that a translation should entail exoticism for the purpose of real transmission of culture. 指出从文化传真的目标看,翻译应有“异国情调”。
The increasing extension, variety, complex and the developing trends of non-equilibrium and exoticism of the financial derivative instruments have their inner motives. 金融衍生工具的发展规模日益扩大,品种日益多样化和复杂化且呈非均衡化和异国化发展趋势,这有其内在的动因。