They demanded a more expansionary economy to combat rising unemployment. 他们要求发展扩张性的经济以应对升高的失业率。
Its super-keynesian expansionary response to the global recession has put the economy back into top gear. 它为应对全球衰退而实施的扩张政策,把凯恩斯主义发挥到了极致,也令经济恢复了高速增长。
G-20 leaders said they will maintain their current stimulus plans and expansionary policies as long as needed. 20国集团领导人表示,它们将继续执行现有的刺激方案和扩大开支的政策,需要多久就执行多久。
The OECD expressed confidence about the likely effect of more expansionary Chinese fiscal and monetary policy. 经合组织对更具扩张性的中国财政及货币政策可能产生的效果表示有信心。
High oil prices are therefore at least partially a consequence of an expansionary monetary policy in the US. 所以,高油价至少在一定程度上是美国扩张性货币政策所造成的。
Overall, the policy mix remains expansionary. 总的来说,目前的政策组合仍呈扩张性。
Or, more powerfully, the wider euro area could adopt more expansionary monetary policies for several years. 或者,力度更大一点的话,范围更大的欧元区在数年内可以施行扩张性较强的货币政策。
The result was an expansionary bias in policy and, eventually, inflation. 其结果是政治上的极度偏见和最终的通胀。
Despite some unjustified claims, quantitative easing and other forms of expansionary monetary policy are not currency manipulation. 尽管存在一些没有根据的说法,但量化宽松及其他形式的扩张性货币政策并非汇率操纵。
When the government prints up cash and swaps it out for bonds, we call that expansionary monetary policy. 当政府印刷钞票、然后用其换取债券时,我们称之为扩张性货币政策。
An expansionary monetary policy has to work in much this way, somewhere. 扩张性的货币政策只得基本上以这种方式在某些地方发挥作用。
The expansionary plans of the Obama administration are more in tune with UK goals. 奥巴马政府的扩张性方案与英国的目标更合拍。
Dashui company has set up perfect staffs training system, Has guaranteed the stability and expansionary of staff's quality. 大水公司建立了完善的员工培训体系,保证了员工素质的稳定性和发展性。
The world economy has weathered repeated setbacks, thanks to expansionary US policies and abundant global liquidity. 世界经济已经受了一次又一次的挫折,这要感谢美国的扩张政策,以及充沛的全球流动性。
However, there are still problems with an investment-centred expansionary fiscal policy. 不过,一个以投资为中心的扩张性财政政策仍面临着一些问题。
What of the ever deepening financial crisis as a rationale for expansionary global macroeconomic policy? 不断加深的金融危机,是否可以作为全球扩张性宏观经济政策的合理解释呢?
Fiscal policy, rather than expansionary, is already on track to be sharply contractionary. 财政政策非但不会具有扩张性,而且已经在走向大幅收缩性了。
Finally, there is scope for expansionary fiscal policy in the US and Europe, despite large budget deficits. 最后,美国和欧洲尽管预算赤字规模庞大,但仍存在采取扩张性财政政策的余地。
Solution to deflation normally involves expansionary fiscal and monetary policies. 一般情况下,克服通货紧缩,要同时实行积极的或扩张的财政政策和货币政策。
China can afford such an expansionary fiscal policy. 中国有能力负担如此规模的扩张性财政政策。
What is clear is that you cannot ask Spain to adopt expansionary policies at this time. 显然,你现在不能要求西班牙采取扩张性的政策。
First, the contractionary fiscal policies that are decreasing aggregate demand and GDP in these countries cannot be offset by the expansionary effects of currency devaluations. 第一,这些国家实行的紧缩性财政政策对总需求和gdp具有抑制作用,却无法从货币贬值的扩张效应中得到弥补。
In Xie's view, the weak dollar was expansionary for the global economy. 根据谢国忠的观点,弱势美元对全球经济的影响是扩张性的。
Most have room for a more expansionary fiscal policy during 2012 and are acting accordingly, as the examples of China, India, Mexico, and Chile demonstrate. 2012年,大多新兴经济体都拥有实施更具扩张性的财政政策的空间,并且都在相应地采取措施,中国、印度、墨西哥和智利等国的实例已证明了这一点。
For example, Germany and other countries could adopt more expansionary fiscal policies for a while. 例如,德国及其它国家可以暂时采取扩张性更强的财政政策。
Fourth, fiscal contractions that rely on spending cuts are more expansionary than tax-driven adjustment. 第四,与税收驱动的调整相比,依赖于削减支出的财政紧缩更具有扩张性。
To the extent that expansionary fiscal policies affect growth, their impact on future indebtedness is attenuated as tax collections rise, transfer payments fall, and the ability of the economy to support debt increases. 扩张性财政政策对经济增长产生了影响,就这一点来说,随着税收的增加、转移支付的减少以及经济支撑债务能力的增强,这些政策对未来负债的影响会减弱。
This will only reinforce the need for expansionary monetary and fiscal policy ( see article) to boost demand; 这样只会加强对扩张型货币和财政政策(见文章)的要求以便扩大市场需求;
At present, the ECB is pursuing an expansionary policy. 目前欧洲央行正在实施扩张政策。
Emerging East Asia has entered the transition from recession to recovery as expansionary policies gain traction. 随着经济刺激政策得到落实,萌芽的东亚已经进入了从经济衰退到复苏的过度时期。