She stepped back from the door expectantly 她满怀期待地从门口退了回来。
This is the American ideal of the "golden years" toward which millions of citizens are expectantly toiling through their workdays. 这就是千百万公民辛劳地度过他们的工作日时心中期待着要实现的那个美国“金色岁月”的理想。
Well, I'll tell you, his mother looked at him standing there expectantly, and boy, could I see the memories flashing through her mind. 朋友们,当他妈妈看到他充满期待地站在那里,我能断定记忆中的往事不断的在她脑海中浮现。
The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Christ. 百姓指望基督来的时候,人都心猜疑,或者约翰是基督。
They waited expectantly for me to tell their stories. 他们用期盼的目光看着我,等待着我去写他们。
The Chinese market is huge, with much untapped potential, and eyed expectantly by companies looking to sustain growth for products that have been peddled to every westerner who might want one. 中国市场非常巨大,许多潜力还未被开发,而且许多企业都期待着,那些已向每个可能想买的西方人推销过的产品在中国市场能维持销量增长。
The episode takes place in northern Louisiana, and the buzzard is sitting expectantly on a tree waiting for a fugitive slave who has been chased into the swamp by his white pursuers to die. 这段情节发生在路易斯安那州南部,这只秃鹰坐在树上,等待一个逃亡的奴隶,他被白人追到沼泽之中,四面楚歌。
She would then smile somewhat expectantly at Ellen or me, as if awaiting a thank you& and on occasion, would frown slightly, as if to criticize us as parents. 然后她会有所期待地对埃伦或者我微笑,好像在等着我们感谢她&或者有时也会微微地皱起眉头,好像是在批评我们做父母的没有尽到责任。
His mother looked at him standing there expectantly, Then she picked up the pen, turned over the paper he'd written on, and this is what she wrote. 小男孩满怀期待地站在那儿,他妈妈瞧了瞧他,拿起笔,把那张纸翻过来,她写道。
And we all looked expectantly towards that large, important-looking gentleman. 我们都迫不及待地看着这位宽脸庞、大人物长相的先生。
We anticipate that this will happen. The students were all waiting expectantly with grins on their faces. 我们期待着这事发生。学生都含笑期待着。
The silenced crowd waited expectantly. 人群充满期望的静静等待着。
In front of the veranda of the office building stood Pockmarked Li and another man, looking all round expectantly. 在管理部游廊前,李麻子和另一个人站着张望。
Roland heard the rustle of biscuit wrappers and looked up at John expectantly. 罗兰听到饼干包装纸的沙沙声,便抬起头期待地看着约翰。
The students were all waiting expectantly with grins on their faces. 学生都含笑期待着。
She looked at me expectantly. 她满怀期待的看着我。
He looked at her expectantly. 他满怀期待的看着莎莉。
Planting his case on the table, he looked at us expectantly. 他把箱子在桌子上放稳,以期待的目光望着我们。
The audience waited expectantly for the concert to begin. 观众们满怀期盼地等着音乐会的开始。
Tania: why is your dog whining and looking at you so expectantly? 坦尼亚:你的狗为什么嗷嗷直叫,一副期待神情望着你?
And after each person gave their short report, they looked over to Sanjay expectantly, hoping to catch a glance of approval. 在每个人完成简短报告之后,都会期待地看着Sanjay,希望能看到他的赞同。
AM standing in a cold north London workshop looking expectantly at a bizarre metal and plastic contraption. 我站在一个寒冷伦敦北方的车间,充满期待的看着这个奇形怪状的金属和塑料材质的新发明。
As I touched the living Buddha's wrist I could feel his eyes gazing at me expectantly. 号脉时,我感到他看我的目光中带有些许期待。
Methods The VPS was performed in 34 patients during March in 1994-March in 1999. Postoperative complications were treated expectantly. 方法1994年3月~1999年3月共施行脑室-腹腔分流手术34例,术后井发症予以对症治疗。
Conclusion: The higher the digitalization of the ultrasound instrument is, the more sensitive the slow velocity of blood flow signals are obtained expectantly. 结论:数字化程度高的超声仪器可望获得更敏感的低速度血流。
As the communication of modern world grows closely, and the change of global civilization pattern, Asia has met its new dawn, more and more scholars tend to look at oriental civilization expectantly, including oriental arts and esthetics. 随着现代世界交往的密切,以及全球文明格局的改观,亚洲迎来了新的曙光,越来越多的学者以向往的目光看待东方文明,包括东方艺术和美学。
With study deeply in this regard, a serial of achievement will be to bring about expectantly, providing a novel strategy of augmenting angiogenesis for tissue transplantation and refractory wound. 可以期待,随着微囊化和基因工程技术的不断深入研究,必将产生一系列成果,为组织移植及难愈创面的血管化提供新的临床治疗策略。
However, the research does not expectantly keep the judge from being involved in complicated adjudication; it only aims at building an ideal argument mode instead of providing the judge a clear guideline to follow in adjudication. 然而,这些理论的研究并未使法官判决过程变得的简单,它只在构建理想的辩论模型,而没有考虑如何为法官判决提供一个清楚的判决过程的指引。