
v.  移(外)植; 外植体;(组织培养)分离块


  1. Analytic Study on Explanted Liotta Bioprostheses from Patients: The Adaptation in Human Environment
  2. Objective To study the tissue culture technique for superior colliculus explanted from newborn rats and to observe the growth status dynamically.
  3. The method of explanted tissue culture is better than the method of enzyme digestion for the primary cells.
  4. Methods Rabbit conjunctival epithelial tissues were explanted in serum-free system. The morphology, gowth, proliferation and differentiation of outgrow cells were compared with those in serum-containing medium.
  5. The right ovarian vein and artery with the length of 10 to 12 cm were dissected and isolated, then the right ovary with vessel pedicle was explanted from retroperitoneal passage and placed subcutaneously to the right upper abdominal wall.
  6. Influence of barium on the action potential and spontaneous contractility of explanted rat heart cells
  7. Then, importance and complication of automation control of decontamination system is explanted. Design ang realization of automation control for decontamination system in water supplying are emphasized.
  8. Comparison of two sorts of bio-derived materials after being explanted in the repaired rabbit corneal defect
  9. Explanted patches were evaluated by macroscopic and histologic examinations, assayed for calcium, elastin and collagen content.
  10. Evaluations were assessed by the explanted weight ratio, calcium and alkaline phosphatase contents, and histological observation 6 weeks postoperatively.
  11. The main points about the REACH rule are explanted in this paper.
  12. Explanted internode autografting is one of ideal systems for studying the vascular tissue differentiation.
  13. Methods To cultivate human uterine leiomyoma cells by digestive method and explanted culture in vitro.
  14. Their biological characteristics via immunohistochemistry and mineralization assay were investigated in vitro. Results Cells explanted from new-born bovine gingiva cultured in special medium could express mineralization-related non-collagen proteins, such as osteopontin, sialoprotein, osteonectin and osteocalcin.
  15. AIM: To study the inhibitory effects of domestic leuprolide acetate microsphere ( LE-ms) on the growth of explanted endometrium in the rat models of EMT and its possible mechanisms.
  16. It can improve the reliability, accuracy and maintainability of the current missile test system and the system can be easily explanted in the future.
  17. The system, using a modular approach, has a friendly function of pre-processing and post-processing, can be easily extended and explanted, and can also be popularized to finite element simulation and analysis of other complex massive forming process.
  18. Then we explanted the connotation and classification about the teaching model which this article has involved.
  19. Macro electronic probe technique was employed in determination of the calcium content of the explanted aortic and pulmonary homografts.