With inscriptions on Chinese paintings, the belief at least becomes manifest, that the poetic meaning of a painting needs some verbal explication. 在画上题诗,至少说明了一点,画里面的诗意有用文字表达的必要。
Thinking about the Explication of Instructional Objectives for Classroom Instructional Design; Analysis of the Teaching Approach in the Teaching of Chinese 对课堂教学设计中教学目标阐明的思考
By right "Yuan" the textual research and explication, this article summarizes teaches releases "the Book of Changes" three this: Namely language social principle; 由对“元”的考释,本文总结出训释《易经》的三条本则:即语言的社会性原则;
For all that, he is also committed to the serious business of the close reading and the explication of particular poems, word by word, line by line. 尽管如此,穆尔杜亦从事精读这种严肃工作,并为某些诗歌逐字逐行地进行注释。
Traditional productivity concept has defined the productivity as a capacity of people to remake and conquer the nature, it should be given new consideration and explication on. 传统的生产力概念把生产力定位于人们改造和征服自然的能力,对此应当给予新的思考和阐述。
But if we look more narrowly into the matter, we shall find, that this very circumstance renders the explication of the case more easy. 但是如果仔细的审视,我们会发觉,正是这样的情况使得对事情的解释变的容易了。
The increasing use of tasks for classroom instruction has called for a fuller explication of task as a teaching and research construct than is offered by its current definitions. 随着课堂内任务使用的增长,我们更应该全新的阐述一下作为教学和研究来使用的任务,而不是只给它附上定义。
The author sets out with an explication of the implications, effects and characteristics of tourist destination system theory and pole-axis theory. 主要阐述了旅游地系统理论和点-轴理论的内涵、作用和特点;
The fact that the individuality and introspective temperament inherent in George is in line with Emersonian philosophy also gets explication by reference to George's epiphanic moments. 乔治身上所体现出的个体性、内省性还与爱默生的超验主义一脉相承,体现于他瞬间的顿悟中。
This thesis presents an explication and discussion on the operation of AGC within power market. 本文围绕电力市场下的AGC,阐述了电力市场下AGC市场运营问题。
The basic concept of tourism explication system was measured. The guide type of tourism explication and self-guide type of tourism explication of forest park were analyzed. 介绍了旅游解说系统的基本概念,分析了森林公园的向导式旅游解说和自导式旅游解说。
A clear explication of the dark path and demonstration of the will to implement it, is the only way for Seoul and Washington to convince Mr Kim to keep his word. 清晰地阐明黑暗之路,并明确表现出走这条路的意愿,是韩国和美国能说服金正日信守诺言的唯一途径。
Explication of Legislation on Use Right Circulation of Rural Collective Construction Land 论农村集体建设用地使用权流转的立法问题
His explication threw some light on the question. 他的讲解让问题有了头绪。
This paper attempts to apply the basic theory of the rising cognitive linguistics to giving new explication to the one-valence verb in Chinese. 本文尝试应用新兴的认知语言学的基本理念对汉语一价动词进行新的分析并给以解释。
Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text. Comments on Sociological, Psychological and Structuralist Explication 解释,注释,评注对原文批评的解释或分析
Hermeneutics experiences development from epistemology to ontology, accordingly so does the explication of hermeneutical circle. 解释学经历了从认识论到本体论的嬗变,解释学循环问题的探讨也发生了相应的变化。
Two practical problems in the petroleum exploitation about casing collapse and sand production are taken as examples to make some explication. 就该理论在石油开发领域注水引致的套管损坏及产层出砂问题的具体应用进行了简单的讨论。
The theory of social capital provides a new explication for economic growth. 社会资本理论为解释经济增长提供了新的思路。
Explication is by deny so thing is a thing's definition now. 非指者物莫非指也(否定了所旨的话,亦即是说「东西」就是「被指的」啰。)
An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Tacit Knowledge Explication and Organization Performance 隐性知识显性化与组织绩效的关系研究
But I am a novelist, not a critic, and I can excuse myself from explication de texte on that ground. 但我是个小说家,不是批评家,对于我以此为根据而说明,我可以为自己找借口。
Analysis of Indetermination and Insurance Economy: A Kind of Explication 不确定性与保险经济分析:一种解说
Sociological, psychological and structuralist explication are three major explication mode of literary meaning. 社会学释义、心理学释义和结构主义释义是三种主要的文学意义解释模式。
This paper thinks that development of library vocational conviction pushes on library development and its new explication enriches library action content in practice. 文章认为图书馆职业信念的发展推进了图书馆的有机生长,职业信念在实践中的新阐释丰富了图书馆活动内容,从而认为:图书馆职业信念的发展和深化推动实践的发展。
The explication of dynamic process in vivo of this Chinese patent medicine provided a reference basis for evaluating its internal quality and safe and rational clinical application. 阐明了该药的体内动态过程,为评价该药的内在质量及临床安全合理应用提供了参考依据。
The main component of this thesis is: In the base of investigation in petrifaction enterprise, it combines MES theories and analyzes the functional module and development tendency of MES, this thesis explication significance of carrying out MES in internal petrifaction enterprise. 主要研究内容如下:本文在对石化行业进行调研的基础上,结合MES理论,并通过MES的功能模块和发展趋势分析,详细说明了我国石化行业实施MES的重要意义。
As hermeneutic became a theory owing common meaning in this period, so the explication must be objective. 这一时期阐释学成为具有普遍意义的学说,所以阐释要求具有客观性。
The second part is devoted to the explication of representation of others, especially the four important women characters. 第二部分论证莫顿对他人,特别是小说中四个重要的女性角色的再现。
Chapter three, text meaning leads to explication perplexity. 第三章,文本意义引起的阐释的困惑。