They can also be used to hedge and reduce exposures swiftly. 它们还能被用来快速对冲和减少风险敞口。
In addition, more recent and larger and longer PPA exposures were related to increased stroke risk. 此外,近期、大剂量和长期服用PPA与增加中风风险具有相关性。
These two pictures are taken with different exposures. 这两张照片是用不同曝光时间拍的。
The bank did not have big exposures in the worst-hit areas "because we chose not to". 该行在受打击最严重的领域并没有太多风险敞口,“因为我们做出了这样的选择”。
Recently," Human flesh search "frequently exposures in internet to attract people's attention. 近来,人肉搜索一个词频频在网络上曝光,吸引了人们的注意。
He has also instituted weekly risk-committee meetings to review the firm's exposures. 他还设立每周风险委员会会议,以审查该公司的风险。
They must immediately demand consistent accounting treatment and regulatory oversight of European banks 'sovereign exposures. 他们必须立即要求对欧洲银行的主权风险敞口实施一致的会计处理和监管。
The spectral reflectance of each test specimen is measured in situ before and after exposures. 在辐照前后对每一个试样的光谱反射系数进行了原位测量。
The FDA is continuing to review adverse event reports and evaluate ways to reduce unintended exposures to these products. FDA将继续审查相关的不良事件报告,并对用于减少意外暴露于这些产品的方法进行评估。
Management reporting and communication should convey risk management conclusions and recommendations to reduce exposures. 在向管理层的报告中应该传达对风险管理的结论和建议,以降低风险。
Groups of US and European banks are working with different bond insurers, reflecting their banks 'individual exposures. 不同的欧美银行集团在与不同的债券保险合作,反映出这些银行各自的风险敞口。
It is unclear how far eurozone banks have used CDs to hedge their exposures to eurozone debt. 欧元区银行使用cds对冲其在欧元区债券敞口的规模有多大,目前尚不清楚。
It's also the microbial genes that are acquired from early environmental exposures and transmitted within families as well. 同时(我们的研究指出)菌类可以从上一代的环境中获得基因并在人类家庭成员中将传播。
These behaviours carry a high risk of human exposures and infections. 这类行为带来了人员接触和感染的高度风险。
Stress in the financial system is greater the more complex and opaque the network of exposures among firms. 各企业之间风险暴露的网络越复杂、越不透明,金融体系的压力就越大。
These high-risk exposures should not have occurred. 这些高危接触是不应该发生的。