Several new XML schema languages have emerged to supplant or augment DTDs, including RELAX NG, which is renowned for its simplicity and expressiveness. 出现了几种新的XML模式语言以替代或增强DTD,其中包括RELAXNG,它以简洁性和表达能力著称。
Another inhibitor for harvesting patterns lies with the expressiveness of the language itself. 另一个阻碍积累模式(harvestingpatterns)的因素是语言本身的表达性。
In this installment, I've been looking at why expressiveness matters and manifestations of expressiveness in code. 在本期中,我探讨了为什么表达性是重要的,以及代码中表达性的具体表现。
Thanks to that radically different approach, Haskell's conciseness and expressiveness is unmatched in many applications, particularly in those requiring mathematical reasoning. 正是由于完全不同的方法,Haskell才能在很多应用程序中提供无以匹敌的简洁性和表达力,在那些要求进行数学推理的应用程序中,这一点更是表现突出。
The required expressiveness is sufficient, and it simplifies the description. 请求的表达是充分的,并且它简化了描述。
In this second installment of Practically Groovy, you've seen what happens when the expressiveness and agility of Groovy is coupled with the unbeatable utility of Ant and Maven. 在实战Groovy的第2期中,您看到了Groovy的表现力和灵活性与Ant和Maven无与伦比的应用结合在一起时发生了什么。
Given that categories and expandos give you the same kind of expressiveness, which should you choose? 既然categories和expandos给您提供相同类型的表示,您选择哪个呢?
This approach has many advantages over the other two, allowing us to keep the expressiveness of the second approach and the same degree of static checking as in the first. 与另外两种方法相比,该方法有许多优点,它允许我们保持第二种方法的可表达性以及与第一种方法中相同的静态检查程度。
Code blocks, expressiveness, and idiomatic patterns 代码块、表达性和惯用模式
It is unlikely that any reasoning software can support every feature of OWL Full, as it offers maximum expressiveness and the syntactic freedom of RDF with no computational guarantees. 这并不是说任何软件都可以支持OWLFull的每种特性,因为它提供了最大程度的表示能力以及RDF的语法自由,而不提供对计算能力的担保。
In languages, expressiveness equals power. 在各种语言中,表达性就相当于其能力。
Enhanced business-level policy management focusing on increased expressiveness of policies, improved tooling for creating and managing policies, and better simulation of policies. 增强了业务级别的策略管理(主要增加了策略表达能力),改进了用于创建和管理策略的工具,以及更好地模拟了策略。
OWL DL supports those users who want maximum expressiveness without losing computational completeness. OWLDL可以为那些希望将表示能力最大化而不丧失计算完整性的用户提供很好的支持。
For example, it is difficult to harvest patterns from assembly language because the language's characteristics fight expressiveness. 例如,很难从汇编语言中积累模式,因为该语言的特点是抵触表达性。
A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and vivid imagination. 一个好的译者必须具备出色的表达力和生动的想象力。
Huanggang folk songs embody a rich variety of lining words and tunes, which greatly enrich their expressiveness by the abundant connotation and striking local color contained in them. 黄冈民歌中大量地使用了衬词和衬腔,且衬词衬腔的形式多样,内涵丰富,体现出鲜明的地方色彩,极大地丰富了黄冈民歌的表现力。
This gives the expressiveness of duck-typing with the safety of static type-checking. 这既给予了动态类型的表达能力又保留了静态类型检查的安全。
So, when you give people full eye contact you're also giving them full expressiveness. 所以,当你给人们充分的目光接触,你也可以给他们充分的表现力。
Then I try to remember how the great artists of the ages had the power of expressiveness. 这是我就会努力回想那些古往今来伟大的艺术家如何拥有表现力。
Elaboration: Rule elaboration occurs when there is a need to reduce ambiguity and increase communicative clarity or expressiveness. 当有必要减少歧义或增加交际的明晰性或表达力的时候,就可能出现规则的细化。
And are prized for their individuality and expressiveness. 而且被为他们的个性和表达珍视。
This is the important reason why I choose the expressiveness as my topic. 这就是我选择研究曲线在绘画中的表现力作为研究课题的重要原因。
Moreover, it offers the expressiveness which helps to "simplify complex tasks". 此外,它更具表现力,这有助于“简化复杂任务”。
Dave: The productivity and expressiveness of Flash remain huge advantages for the Web community even as HTML advances. Dave:即便HTML获得了长足的进步,Flash的生产力和表现力依旧会给Web社区带来巨大的能量。
What marks the expressiveness of CAI ju's abstract paintings are the Chinese elements and primitive beauty. 蔡居的表现性抽象画最显著的特征是中国元素和原始美。
A computing programming language of limited expressiveness focused on a particular domain. 一种专注于某个特定领域并具有有限表达特性的计算机编程语言。
Faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance are the basic principles in translation. “信、达、雅”是翻译的基本要求。
For us, the thing that makes DSLs different is their limited expressiveness. 对我们来说,让领域特定语言与众不同的正是其有限表达这一特性。
Of course, the accompanist has to respond to the different expressiveness of the chords in supporting the melody. 当然,伴奏者必须对那些为旋律所配和弦的不同“表情”做出反应。
What struck me first were the outward things, her animation and expressiveness. 首先让我很意外的是她的活力和表现力这样一些外在的东西。