We should reform the land expropriation system and increase the share of gain in land value to farmers. 改革征地制度,提高农民在土地增值收益中的分配比例。
There should be legal limits to land expropriation and eminent domain actions by local government. 应从法律上限制地方政府的征地数量和征地行为。
There must be compensation at fair market value for any nationalisation or expropriation. 任何国有化和征用都必须以公允的市场价值进行补偿。
The Procedural Norms of China's Future Military Expropriation Legislation 我国未来军事征用立法中的程序性规范
Discussion on the Compensation Method and Rational Standard of Arable Land Expropriation 农地征用补偿方法和标准的合理化探讨
Sometimes expropriation is in the economic interest of people in poor countries. Sometimes it is not. 征用有时合乎贫穷国家人民的经济利益,有时则不然。
Interest Conflicts, Compensation System and Policy Adjustment of Land Expropriation in the Rural Area 农村土地征收中的利益冲突及补偿机制和政策调适
At present, China's land expropriation disputes caused the main reason is the land compensation. 当前,引发我国土地征收纠纷的最主要原因是土地补偿问题。
Study on the Property Right Relations and Compensation Standard of Farmland Expropriation 农地征收的产权关系和补偿标准研究
On the responsibilities of local government in land expropriation 我国农村土地征用过程中地方政府责任探析
Study on Agricultural Land Expropriation and Compensation System's Conformation and Reform in China 我国农用地征收补偿制度形成及改革研究
Compensation for Land Expropriation and Coordinate Development of Urban and Rural Areas& Based on Marx's Land Rent Theory 征地补偿与城乡协调发展&基于马克思地租理论的征地补偿分析
There is theoretical and practical significance in the just compensation for the expropriation of land and properties. 对土地和财产征收的公正补偿具有重要的理论与现实意义。
Review System of Land Expropriation's Public Welfare Character and Its Inspiration to China 法国土地征收公益性审查机制及其对中国的启示
This study investigated the intermediation of expropriation in the linkage between corporate governance and firm value. 本文研究了大股东掠夺在公司治理与企业价值关系中的传导作用。
The fourth constitutional amendment bring impact to expropriation system in China, and lead to deviation between regulation and theory. 第四次宪法修正案对我国征收体系产生了冲击,引起规范和理论的背离。
Property right need to bear society obligation, and expropriation is the important embody of it. 财产权要承担社会义务,征收是其社会义务性的重要体现。
The Study of Land Expropriation and Compensation in China's Urbanization 中国城市化进程中农地征用与补偿问题
There exists a conflict between the expropriation on rural collective land and the protection of peasants'property rights and interests. 国家对农村集体所有土地的征收与农民财产权保护之间存在着冲突。
Accompany with the development of city construction and economy, it is gradually multifarious that the development of land market and land expropriation. 伴随着城市建设和经济发展,土地市场开发和土地征用日渐频繁。
Studies on Government Roles in the Expropriation of the Rural Collective Land 农村集体土地征收中的政府角色研究
Studying on the problems in the compensation of land expropriation in our country, the article analyses the reasons and puts forward legislative suggestions. 文章在研究现阶段征地补偿的现状基础上,从法律视角分析了征地补偿诸多问题产生的原因,并提出了相应的立法建议。
Compensation for expropriation is paid in municipal bonds at the original use value. 征用补偿是市政债券支付在原来的使用价值。
A Study on the Contradictions of Land Expropriation and Housing Demolition in the Current Process of Urbanization in China 当前我国城市化进程中征地拆迁矛盾研究
The current land expropriation system in China needs further reform. 研究结论中国现行征地制度需要进一步改革。
The land expropriation policy has contributed a lot for the economic development in china. 我国的征地制度为国民经济建设和发展做出了巨大的历史贡献。
A Study on the Resettlement in Land Expropriation and House Removal: From the Perspective of Local Governance; 研究目的:从被征地拆迁的农户视角出发,对征地补偿和拆迁安置进行实证分析。
How to determine the rural land expropriation compensation price is the key of the land expropriation system. 农地征用补偿价格的确定是征地制度的核心和关键。
Research on the Land Expropriation Compensation Mechanisms under the Process of Urbanization 我国城市化进程中土地征用补偿制度研究
Who is responsible for the farmers interest with the expropriation of the land? 土地征用农民利益谁来负责?