The plug-in is very simple: It contains the basic requirements of an Ext JS plug-in. 这个插件非常简单:包含一个ExtJS插件的基本需求。
This means that Ext GWT is configured, and you can use Ext's widgets. 这意味着已经配置了ExtGWT,因此可以使用Ext的小部件。
We hope that ext/ soap will continue to develop, and become a mainstream extension of PHP. 我们也希望ext/soap继续发展,成为PHP的主流扩展。
Luckily you have some options, namely Ext GWT. 幸运的是,它具有一些选项,即ExtGWT。
Next, you added the CSS stylesheet that Ext needs: "css/ ext-all. css". 其次,添加了Eex所需的CSS样式表:“css/ext-all.css”。
Ext JS has recognized this and added a good deal of updates to its most important component. ExtJS认识到了这点,对这个重要组件做了大量更新。
First you need to configure the application to use Ext GWT. 您首先需要将应用程序配置为可以使用ExtGWT。
Use the new IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES environment variable and the EXT_DIRECTIVES configuration parameter to enable this feature. 使用新增的IFXEXTDIRECTIVES环境变量和EXTDIRECTIVES配置参数启用该特性。
You can find existing Ext JS extensions and plug-ins in a couple of ways. 找到现有ExtJS扩展和插件有很多种方法。
In this section, you will learn how to build an Ext JS plug-in. 在本小节,我们将学习如何构建一个ExtJS插件。
Based on the YUI Library's charting engine, Ext JS charts are Adobe Flash-based. 基于YUILibrary的图表引擎,ExtJs图表是基于AdobeFlash的。
You will also use some richer UI widgets from the Ext GWT library. 此外,您还将使用ExtGWT库中的一些更丰富的UI小部件。
Ext JS includes controls such as message boxes, combo boxes, data grids, and toolbars. ExtJS包含消息框、组合框、数据网格和工具栏等控件。
Ext JS provides numerous UI elements that are essential to developing rich Internet applications ( RIAs). ExtJS提供大量用户界面元素,这是开发富因特网应用程序(RIA)所必需的。
Ext JS keeps its promise with an easy-to-use development model. ExtJS通过一个易用的开发模型实现了它的承诺。
A Grid in Ext needs two basic things: column definitions and a data store. Ext中的Grid需要具备两个基础元素:列定义和数据存储。
( You can also use the db. ext(). getByID() method to retrieve objects by OID. 还可以使用db.ext().getByID()方法按照OID检索对象。
In this article you learned the basics of Ext JS extension and plug-in development. 在本文中,您学习了ExtJS扩展和插件开发的基本理论。
Ext JS plug-ins are written as classes that always have an init function. ExtJS插件是作为类编写的,总是有一个init函数。
Another big and completely new feature to Ext JS is charting. ExtJs中另一个大的全新特性就是图表。
If you've used Ext JS, this code might look familiar. 如果您使用了ExtJs,这个代码可能是熟悉的。
The goal of all of these tools is to normalize the interface between their respective platforms and ExtJS. 无论哪一个工具,其目标都是规范化各自平台与ExtJS的接口。
Application of Ext and Web Services in VTS Manage Information System Ext和WebServices在VTS管理信息系统中的应用
Design and Implementation of a Rich-Client Contract Management System Based on EXT and AJAX 基于EXT和AJAX的富客户端合同管理系统的设计与实现
It also examines the proper ways to customize or extend Ext widgets. 它还探讨了定制或者扩展ExtJS组件的可行办法。
Ext JS solves the problem of managing HTML and CSS to provide a UI look and feel that rivals desktop applications. ExtJS解决了管理HTML和CSS的问题,提供了媲美桌面应用的UI外观。
Research and Application of Web System Development Architecture Based on Ext+ Spring+ Hibernate 基于Ext+Spring+Hibernate的Web系统开发架构的研究与应用
MyGWT brings a significant amount of Javascript functionality to GWT by leveraging the existing and already mature Ext library. MyGWT通过引入现存并已经很成熟的Ext库而给GWT提供了大量的Javascript功能。
I have seen and toyed with Ext JS applications running on an iPad with limited functionality. 我已经看到并且实验了在iPad上运行有限功能的ExtJS应用。